A lot of baseless FUD spreading on the last page or two. "What if, what if what if...."
1. Grow a brain: Poloniex will not drop a coin which has several thousand BTC of volume each day. At 2,000BTC volume, Poloniex makes US$13,600
per day from Digibyte alone. Do you really think we are in danger? (that's at their base fee rate of course).
2. Look at such posters activity count. If it is low, doesn't that tell you something?
3. The same as you wouldn't take trading advice from a cold caller on your telephone (I hope), don't blindly follow the advice (or "fake news" lol) of posters here without investigating it yourself. If the only source you can find is an anonymous poster on bitcointalk, that should also tell you something. It's an even bigger sign if the fall under point #2 above.
Have a great day