Relax Bonus1602, someone will help you with the technical aspects.
In the meantime, if you post the txid, your wallet info, and other details (screenshots of the message you mention, etc.), it'll help them to help you.
Don't worry, there's a solution - there always is.
Where can I go for help?
First of all you start by not making negative untruthful statements, like DigiByte stole or froze your money. DigiByte did none of these things. If you private message Jared directly, I'm sure he would help or task someone to help you when time allowed. As HR said your funds are extremely unlikely to be lost. Hell, even I was going to have a look at your case, I would need to spend some time doing this because I only use a core wallet but you changed my mind with your latest approach.
I'm sorry, I just wrote on all the forums, and no one could help me. help me please. There was a large amount of money