Maybe ...a Poll...would be able to tell us.....what each of these groups are interested in....exactly.
A Poll for the General Public...would confirm whether or not, my suspisions are correct ^^"
Do they "want" to make money...with DGB doing what ..."Investors" do? (e.g mining)
Or do they just want things cheaper?
I dunno hehe ^^...but thats how "id" find out my answers ^^
On the simplest level, this is what I see:
Devs want people to use their coin to increase it's value, and their profits.
Miners/traders want people to use the coin to increase it's value, and their profits.
General public wants a coin that is easy to use and accepted everywhere. If it's not as convienant to use as paypal/credit card, the general public isn't interested.
Right now crypto is only available to those willing to go through all of the barriers to entry to obtain them, and there aren't many good reasons to have them as a consumer. Without the Silk Road making it worthwhile for people to want to figure BTC out, it never would have gained it's initial traction. There currently isn't a single reason why the average-joe should use crypto instead of fiat for a legal purchase. This is what holds us back.
In my opinion, dgb development needs to focus on an easy-to-use wallet with built in fiat/dgb transactions, and lightning network with the intent of targeting Point-of-Sale systems and payment processors. If we want a healthy crypto-economy, we need commerce. To increase commerce we must address the issues preventing businesses from accepting crypto as payment. The most common complaints I've heard from business owners are Confirmations Times, Price Volatility and taxes. Lighting network will solve transaction times, and enable dgb to utilize smart contracts like ethereum. Price stability and taxes are harder to solve, but not impossible. One solution is a 3rd Party payment processor that bears the risk of price fluctuations for a transaction fee. The payment processor converts DGB to fiat, so the business never has to interface with crypto at all, and doesn't need to worry about the capital gains/losses of dealing with crypto on their taxes. We need crypto that "just works."