Bob wakes up one day with an idea. If there are 21 Billion DigiBytes in total and the current population of the world is 7 Billion, then everyone should get 3 Digibyte each. Everybody hasn’t got a computer and the world is shit at sharing, he thinks to himself.
I’ve got £30 in my pocket, If I move 3000 DigiByte into a fresh wallet, I’ll call it the treasury wallet and if my friends Tom and Mike have fresh wallets as well, I can move 1000 DigiByte into each wallet and say to my friends, “A DigiByte is worth 1 pence and we have £10 each that can be cashed out into the treasury wallet at any time.” Now if only transactions between those four wallets, the treasury wallet and our 3 personal wallets, are genuine. This can be scrutinized by everyone that knows the 4 addresses by checking in Digiexplorer.
Tom and Mike decide to put £30 into the pot as well and another 6000 DigiByte is moved into the treasury wallet and then distributed to the three personal wallets.
They then continue to go about life normally sometimes making small transactions between each other until one day after a card game Mike has not got any DigiByte left and decides to buy another £10 pounds worth, he puts that in the pot that now has £100 in it and 1000 DigiByte is moved into the treasury wallet and then subsequently into Mikes wallet.
Bobs middle name is ‘honest’, everyone in the village thinks that is his first name, Honest Bob they call him. He organises a trust and puts the £100 in its bank account.
Other people in the village see what is happening between the friends and envious of the ability to settle accounts without touching narcotic impregnated germ infested cash, they want in on the action and some new wallets are added to the trusted list. The treasury account grows by a couple of hundred pounds. The trust and trusted wallets continue to grow, Bob says if anyone wants to cash out they have to give him notice and he does banking on Wednesdays. Some people cash out to other members of the trust who just give them cash for their DigiByte but it is rarely anyone ever asks Bob to go to the bank and return DigiByte to the treasury wallet.
At the same time as Bob had his idea, Bobs all over the world were thinking the same thing and somehow miraculously did the same things with their friends and little microcosms of trusted DigiByte bubbles appeared all over the globe. One day, some smart cookie developed some OS software to manage these networks and check that all transactions were genuine and flagging any indescrepency and automatically removing a wallet from the trusted list if it contained any contamination from the outside DigiByte network. This made Bobs original idea more popular and had the effect of creating more new little micro networks.
Meanwhile the main DigiByte network where all transactions were really taking place, people were once able to buy DigiByte for a miniscule 21 satoshi each but due to all these micro networks, DigiByte had started to get into short supply and the price began to increase. One day way in the future it became worth 1 pence, in fact it became worth 1.2 pence for some reason. Everyone on the micro network decided they didn’t care if the transactions were from outside the trusted network anymore and just used DigiByte, as it was originally intended. Bob decided that there was no longer any point in having the treasury account that now had thousands of pounds in it, he used it to buy more DigiByte and dispersed it to the former trusted members and lived happily ever after.
DigiByte, a place to dream outside of the box!