Hi all, just wondering if someone can provide some input on issues we're seeing with mining on Digihash...
We've recently switched a couple of our mining rigs back to Digihash after running them on other pools without issue:
1st Rig: MinerEU Rig 90MH/s - I'm seeing a high number of rejects, far more than I see on P2Pools and other Stratum pools. I'm seeing about 3% rejects with this rig. Normal reject rate for this rig is usually around 0.1% on other pools. I'm running the 256 Network Difficulty option on Digihash (port 3257)
2nd Rig: Zues Lightning X6 44MH/s - I'm seeing a high number of rejects on this rig too, but I'm also seeing a very high number of hardware errors compared to other pools. Again I'm running the 256 Network Difficulty option on Digihash (port 3257)
3rd Rig: I'm also running some lower hash rate blades on DigiHash, hardware errors are also unusually high on them, but reject rate is pretty good.
All devices are running an expiry = 120, queue = 0, and a scantime=30.
Are other people experiencing the same kind of stats on scrypt? Are we running too high of a network difficulty for the two larger rigs?
Where are you located? Where were you mining before?
I suspect it's a latency issue, but your answers to those 2 questions are needed in order to confirm.
Thanks for the response HR, I'm in Australia mate.
We are running the bigger rigs from our offices in Melbourne, the internet can slow down when we have offsite backups coming in, but otherwise it's pretty good (dedicated 100Mb pipe running to main infrastructure) The other units are running from my house over NBN (100Mb network).
I was mining to Coinmine.pw previously which was connecting to their US located servers... Also have some EC2 instances on Amazon AWS which I run a couple of P2Pools from. Several instances are located in the US and some here in Australia. All of these have run very reliably with low reject rates.
You raise a very good point though, just pinged Digihash.co from my house and got a 296ms ping time! If I ping coinmine.pw in the USA it's a 14ms round trip, and all Amazon instances are sub 10ms.... Where in gods name is Digihash located... The Arctic Circle?? lol
On another note, I tried Digihash sometime ago and found I wasn't getting payments for hours, am now experiencing the very same issue after getting a couple of payments, nothing for nearly two hours, is there still an issue with payments freezing up?
EDIT: Just remoted into a work PC and got 270ms to digihash, and then another ping to Digihash from an EC2 Amazon instance located in the USA, got 210ms... All other pools I tested were sub 10ms with most sub 5ms.