for the past few pages, pump and dump has been mentioned a few times. I would like to say a few things.
I strongly believe Jared knows very well that Digibyte still isn't quite ready yet for a strong rise in price. There is still work to be done. While i am typing this, the Digibyte Team are hard at work on the following:
- DigiSpeed
- preparing Digibyte to be market out (e.g. look at what they are doing with their website's languages)
- working on coming-soon features like merchant list, etc
- making sure everything is working fine: DigiTip, EasyMiner, etc
its difficult to avoid a pump and dump situation when lots of PR and Marketing are done or if a certain kind of news seemed to be very significant. The Digibyte Team has to take into account of sudden announcements over the news/media too. for e.g. Digibyte getting mentioned on Wall Street newspaper [an example], etc. Over the past several months, Digibyte has gained some serious attention and are being taken notice by some serious eyes if i might say.
But look at how far Digibyte has come. Those who have been following Digibyte closely for the past 1 year knows that the Foundation (base) of Digibyte is well built and it continues to be built further up...but even more carefully now. The foundation (base) is there already but isn't quite ready to take off yet. Look at the price of Digibyte for the past 3-4 months: it has been flooring at an average around 50-55sat. But Digibyte has been there before a couple of times for a while. Perhaps Jared too is tired of that price. Its time for Digibyte to stay above 100sat...once and for all. And the only way to do to ensure that Digibyte can prove to be a force to be reckon with vs other cryptocurrencies. So Development has to be priortized as number one. Because if Digibyte's Development is top-notch, that will prevent a dump or at least prevent a huge dump.
Based on my observations, Digibyte is slowly getting more and more attention than before. It is performing a lot better than its 1st year. I can't imagine what kind of tensions the Digibyte Team are going through. All we know's way more work than before and it certainly is growing to be more difficult too. Therefore its very important to tread carefully and not to create more unnecessary work. Its not like Digibyte isn't getting any marketing done. Some real exmaples are:
- putting Digibyte into our signatures
- Digibyte getting mentioned more on Twitter
- telling family and friends about Digibyte
- Using Digibyte at stores, etc
- Digitipping people
All these help to market out Digibyte slowly but surely over time. And it can only grow because more people will know and some will follow to keep track of it. What we do not want is a hype with nothing to boast or to say about. Both Development and Marketing have to be balanced in order to prevent a pump and dump. Not forgetting, Digibyte's competitors are also trying to catch up. So let us do the marketing while the Digibyte Team focus on the development.
When Digibyte gets darn good, it will spread like wildfire through word of mouth, news, media, etc. It will automatically get attention without having to do anything to market out. When you are darn good, you will get notice and you will be wanted.
I say...give Digibyte another 2 more months to see some nice flesh...ehh i mean armor. [provided there isn't any hiccups].
Cheers everyone!
Oh and not forgeting...
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