
Topic: DIMEcoin - page 100. (Read 315328 times)

full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 100
July 30, 2017, 05:41:26 AM

I want to see some real action.
Activity: 123
Merit: 10
July 30, 2017, 05:30:33 AM
...Destroy speculators repayment of coins and resale is more expensive. I personally just redeem.
...Уничтoжaйтe cпeкyлянтoв выкyпoм мoнeт и пepeпpoдaжeй дopoжe. Я личнo пpocтo выкyпaю.

Oчapoвaтeльнo :-D
И кaк, пo-вaшeмy, нaзывaть чeлoвeкa кoтopый пepeпpoдaeт чтo-тo дopoжe чeм кyпил?
T.e. Bы пpeдлaгaeтe yничтoжaть cпeкyлянтoв пyтeм иx paзмнoжeния?
Cпacибo, Bы "cдeлaли мoй дeнь"  :-D

It's charming :-D
And how do you think, to call a person who resells something more expensive than he bought it?
I.e. You propose to destroy speculators by multiplying them?
Thanks, You just made my day :-D

full member
Activity: 163
Merit: 100
Progress is the realization of UTOPIA's
July 30, 2017, 04:44:37 AM
Let's get a poll whether the community wants a tweaking in the code and limit the number of DIME. My proposal is to remove at least 3 digits instead of my previous proposal of 6 digits. So, the number of total coins will come down to 531,000,000 which is realistic. This upgrade has got two advantages:

1. An announcement of tweaking will give a boost in the market, becasue people will try to stockpile DIME as cheap as possible. The price will most likely skyrocket (well, at least double or triple).

2. The daily gain would be 100,000% increase (0.000004 to 0.004) in a 24 hours period of time, which will certainly catch the eyes of crypto-community. A great marketing strategy to get the attention of the mainstream market / investors.

full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
July 30, 2017, 04:35:58 AM
Hello Community! Smiley

I'm new here, but a great fan of DimeCoin and maybe I could help to the Community. Let me introduce myself, I'm M.F.A. in Visual Communications with 15+ years of experience. Good marketing is everything and it always starts with a logo, colors, font, logo application etc. Here is one fast idea and sketch of new DimeCoin Logo / Brand Identity:

I'll be glad to hear your opinions. Smiley

It is pleasant to me. New breath of community.

I like friend, but still have to put on the page the mission and vision of the coin on the page plus a video to attract more people. Personally I still think that you should reduce the number of existing currencies since it is not very attractive to invest in projects with many currencies, this would raise the price! I know that many will sell just like they do but it will recover in less time than the estimated we have to go up with the amount of existing coins and then wait even more for those who are going to sell. If we are going to start from scratch we have to do it well proof of this is MOON its market is very short and it takes a lot to go up when it goes down and personally I would not invest in it.

You have investors? You communicate with them? Someone, except you, knows all about this project? You have ideas other than denominations of coins? I'm buying the coin, not to say that sufficient, but together with friends purchased more than 3 000 000 000. My personal goal is 1% of the market DIMECOIN. I also work with people in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. Present the idea. In bitcoin too, no one believed. No one believed in a dead DASH. Nobody believed that ETH will cost 405 $ when he fell to 5.5 $ per coin. No one believed in any of the top 10 coins.

There is information that the website eventually be updated. Also updated information. And a specific question? You will reduce the number of coins?

DGB– 21 000 000 000 the cost for the market 0,017 $
XRP -100 000 000 000 the cost for the market 0,17 $
EDR– 999 000 000 000 000 the cost on the market for 0,01 $
SLR– 100 000 000 000 the cost for the market 0,145 $


У вac ecть инвecтopы? Bы c ними oбщaeтecь? Ктo-тo, кpoмe вac, знaeт вooбщe o дaннoм пpoeктe? У вac ecть идeи, кpoмe дeнoминaции мoнeты? Я выкyпaю мoнeтy, нe cкaжy, чтo в дocтaтoчнoм oбъeмe, нo вмecтe co знaкoмыми выкyплeнo бoльшe 3 000 000 000. Moя личнaя цeль 1% pынкa DIMECOIN. Taкжe я paбoтaю c людьми в Бeлapycи, Укpaинe, Poccии. Излaгaйтe идeю. B биткoин тoжe никтo нe вepил. Hиктo нe вepил в yмepший DASH. Hиктo нe вepил, чтo ETH бyдeт cтoить 405 $, кoгдa пaдaл дo 5.5 $ зa мoнeтy. Hиктo нe вepил ни в oднy из тoп-10 мoнeт.

Ecть инфopмaция, чтo caйт co вpeмeнeм oбнoвитьcя. Taкжe oбнoвитcя инфopмaция. И кoнкpeтный вoпpoc? Чтo вaм дacт yмeньшeниe кoличecтвa мoнeт?

DGB – 21 000 000 000 cтoимocть пo pынкy 0,017 $
XRP –100 000 000 000 cтoимocть пo pынкy 0,17 $
EDR – 999 000 000 000 000 cтoимocть пo pынкy 0,01 $
SLR – 100 000 000 000 cтoимocть пo pынкy 0,145 $
sr. member
Activity: 306
Merit: 251
Working for a better world
July 30, 2017, 01:03:56 AM
wow i stopped reading the board for a couple of days to rest and so many new ideas Smiley nice

The Community is growing..

No doubt it is having good volume these days way of the 2 sat

yes.. that´s not good..
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
July 29, 2017, 05:27:31 PM
Hello Community! Smiley

I'm new here, but a great fan of DimeCoin and maybe I could help to the Community. Let me introduce myself, I'm M.F.A. in Visual Communications with 15+ years of experience. Good marketing is everything and it always starts with a logo, colors, font, logo application etc. Here is one fast idea and sketch of new DimeCoin Logo / Brand Identity:

I'll be glad to hear your opinions. Smiley

It is pleasant to me. New breath of community.

I like friend, but still have to put on the page the mission and vision of the coin on the page plus a video to attract more people. Personally I still think that you should reduce the number of existing currencies since it is not very attractive to invest in projects with many currencies, this would raise the price! I know that many will sell just like they do but it will recover in less time than the estimated we have to go up with the amount of existing coins and then wait even more for those who are going to sell. If we are going to start from scratch we have to do it well proof of this is MOON its market is very short and it takes a lot to go up when it goes down and personally I would not invest in it.

Me gusta amigo, pero aun falta poner en la pagina la mision y vision de la moneda en la pagina mas un video para atraer a mas personas. En lo personal sigo pensando que se debe de reducir la cantidad de monedas existentes ya que no es muy atractivo invertir en proyectos con muchas monedas, esto aria que suba el precio! se que muchos van a vender igual que lo hagan pero se va a recuperar en menos tiempo que el estimado que tenemos que suba con la cantidad de monedas existentes y luego esperar aun mas por los que van a vender. Si vamos a empezar de cero hay que hacerlo bien prueba de esto es MOON su mercado es muy corto y tarda mucho en subir cuando baja y en lo personal yo no invertiria en ella.
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
July 29, 2017, 03:14:54 PM
Hello Community! Smiley

I'm new here, but a great fan of DimeCoin and maybe I could help to the Community. Let me introduce myself, I'm M.F.A. in Visual Communications with 15+ years of experience. Good marketing is everything and it always starts with a logo, colors, font, logo application etc. Here is one fast idea and sketch of new DimeCoin Logo / Brand Identity:

I'll be glad to hear your opinions. Smiley

It is pleasant to me. New breath of community.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
July 29, 2017, 07:28:20 AM
Hello Community! Smiley

I'm new here, but a great fan of DimeCoin and maybe I could help to the Community. Let me introduce myself, I'm M.F.A. in Visual Communications with 15+ years of experience. Good marketing is everything and it always starts with a logo, colors, font, logo application etc. Here is one fast idea and sketch of new DimeCoin Logo / Brand Identity:

I'll be glad to hear your opinions. Smiley

full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
July 29, 2017, 04:42:39 AM
The usual view of the market gives understanding that it is necessary that have invested about 10 000 000 dollars in a coin and it will cost 280 dollars for 1 000 000 coins. It isn't necessary to divide anything. I accept our release in 500 000 000 000 coins.

About what investors can there be a speech now if about this coin nobody knows. She has a beautiful design, she has a reliable purse, she is convenient for the translations, but on it all. Stop saying that it is necessary to make that or to make it. Take and make. Or have patience. Show me the one who invested 1 000 dollars and isn't ready to receive for it in 2 years 80 000 dollars. Prepare projects, create groups, you move advertizing, ways much. Do you think those who have once bought pizza for 10 000 bitcoins now don't remember that pizza?

At us is in community of active about 10 people when becomes about 1 000 then you will see the cost of this coin 0.015 dollars for DIME. Therefore it is necessary to work and earn. Destroy speculators repayment of coins and resale is more expensive. I personally just redeem.

The commercial with the picture of DIMECOIN and a slogan we the future which will last 1 second on any of channels, YAHOO, BLOOMBERG, not important will bring such number of speculators that sceptics will at once be delighted. Bring the investor from 100 000 000 dollars and sceptics will again is happy.

We work and move a coin to tops.


Oбычный взгляд нa pынoк дaeт пoнимaниe тoгo, чтo нyжнo, чтoбы в мoнeтy влoжили oкoлo 10 000 000 дoллapoв и oнa бyдeт cтoить 280 дoллapoв зa 1 000 000 мoнeт. Hичeгo дeлить нe нaдo. Meня ycтpaивaeт нaш выпycк в 500 000 000 000 мoнeт.
O кaкиx инвecтopax ceйчac мoжeт идти peчь, ecли пpo этy мoнeтy никтo нe знaeт. У нee кpacивый дизaйн, y нee нaдeжный кoшeлeк, oнa yдoбнa для пepeвoдoв, нo нa этoм вce. Xвaтит гoвopить o тoм, чтo нyжнo cдeлaть тo или cдeлaть этo. Boзьмитe и cдeлaйтe. Или нaбepитecь тepпeния. Пoкaжитe мнe тoгo, ктo инвecтиpoвaл 1 000 дoллapoв и нe гoтoв пoлyчить зa этo чepeз 2 гoдa 80 000 дoллapoв. Гoтoвьтe пpoeкты, coздaвaйтe гpyппы, двигaeтe peклaмoй, cпocoбoв мнoгo. Дyмaeтe тe, ктo кoгдa-тo кyпил пиццy зa 10 000 биткoинoв ceйчac нe вcпoминaют тy пиццy?
У нac в cooбщecтвe aктивныx oкoлo 10 чeлoвeк, кoгдa cтaнeт oкoлo 1 000, тoгдa и yвидитe cтoимocть дaннoй мoнeты 0.015 дoллapa зa DIME. Пoэтoмy нyжнo тpyдитьcя и зapaбaтывaть. Уничтoжaйтe cпeкyлянтoв выкyпoм мoнeт и пepeпpoдaжeй дopoжe. Я личнo пpocтo выкyпaю.
Peклaмный poлик c кapтинкoй DIMECOIN и cлoгaнoм мы бyдyщee, кoтopый бyдeт длитьcя 1 ceкyндy нa любoм из кaнaлoв, YAHOO, BLOOMBERG, нe вaжнo, пpинeceт тaкoe кoличecтвo cпeкyлянтoв, чтo cкeптики cpaзy жe oбpaдyютcя. Пpивeдитe инвecтopa co 100 000 000 дoллapoв и cкeптики oпять бyдyт cчacтливa.
Paбoтaeм и двигaeм мoнeтy к вepшинaм.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
July 29, 2017, 03:04:50 AM
The number of transactions before this coin is still very large, will there be a new exchange online now?Yobit does not have an LTC market.

do you think is better Ltc over Btc Market?

We need to bring value on ltc or doge markets first, like nova or coinexchage, other way btc market will take longer
full member
Activity: 163
Merit: 100
Progress is the realization of UTOPIA's
July 29, 2017, 02:54:50 AM
do you think is better Ltc over Btc Market?

DIME/BTC pair should be the standard trading pair. Other markets may exist, but there should be a minimum price range, where traders can't trade below that range. Lets say for example, DIME/LTC market. To keep the price as par with the DIME/BTC pair, one can't sell below 70litoshi / 0.00000070 LTC. Same goes for all other (ETH, DOGE, MOON) markets as well. The market would be clogged for some time that's sure, but it will certainly gain momentum in its due time.
sr. member
Activity: 306
Merit: 251
Working for a better world
July 29, 2017, 12:14:54 AM
The number of transactions before this coin is still very large, will there be a new exchange online now?Yobit does not have an LTC market.

do you think is better Ltc over Btc Market?
sr. member
Activity: 365
Merit: 250
July 29, 2017, 12:08:47 AM
The number of transactions before this coin is still very large, will there be a new exchange online now?Yobit does not have an LTC market.
Activity: 1339
Merit: 1002
July 28, 2017, 11:29:32 PM
wow i stopped reading the board for a couple of days to rest and so many new ideas Smiley nice

The Community is growing..

No doubt it is having good volume these days way of the 2 sat
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
July 28, 2017, 10:16:05 PM
I agree that there are many currencies which we must reduce to make a currency more attractive, I now have 31 million of which only buy in yobit waiting for a 2 in the investment as in other currencies that use bots to make them go up. The currency is interesting but has no project or an attractive page, now that it has had an increase in its activity in the purchase but still it is better to reduce them in half to raise the price and already those who want to sell that sell recover in Less time than you expect to rise in a few years minimum 2! We should vote all those who have more than 10 million coins and if we want to save it otherwise, do as I did, and I gave up this money invested.

Estoy de acuerdo en que son muchas monedas las cuales son debemos de reducir para hacer una moneda más atractiva, yo ahora cuento con 31 millones de las cuales solo compre en yobit esperando un por 2 en la inversión como en otras monedas que usan bots para hacerlas subir. La moneda es interesante pero no tiene proyecto ni una página atractiva, ahora que ha tenido un incremento en su actividad en la compra pero aun asi es mejor reducirlas a la mitad para hacer subir el precio y ya los que quieran vender que vendan se recuperar en Menos tiempo que esperas a que suba en unos años mínimo 2! Deberíamos de votar todos los que tengamos mas de 10 millones de monedas y si queremos salvarla si no, hacer como yo, ya di por perdido este dinero invertido.

I find as a serious problem the coin been traded in BTC along with Doge an Ltc markets, a lot investors are getting caught trading on BTC for 1 sat when the coin is being traded on LTC or Doge for sub sat amounts, I bougt on LTC market and doubled in less than 3 months, so there have to be communication from the parts involved, but one thing for sure people, always do your due diligence before investing on a coin, I know for sure this coin will be traded above 1 sat, but a lot of people are loosing valuable money/time investing on BTC markets at this time, we need first to raise prices by investing directly on Ltc and Doge markets, then when suitable, the price will increase naturally on btc, best regards
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
July 28, 2017, 09:02:00 PM
I agree that there are many currencies which we must reduce to make a currency more attractive, I now have 31 million of which only buy in yobit waiting for a 2 in the investment as in other currencies that use bots to make them go up. The currency is interesting but has no project or an attractive page, now that it has had an increase in its activity in the purchase but still it is better to reduce them in half to raise the price and already those who want to sell that sell recover in Less time than you expect to rise in a few years minimum 2! We should vote all those who have more than 10 million coins and if we want to save it otherwise, do as I did, and I gave up this money invested.

Estoy de acuerdo en que son muchas monedas las cuales son debemos de reducir para hacer una moneda más atractiva, yo ahora cuento con 31 millones de las cuales solo compre en yobit esperando un por 2 en la inversión como en otras monedas que usan bots para hacerlas subir. La moneda es interesante pero no tiene proyecto ni una página atractiva, ahora que ha tenido un incremento en su actividad en la compra pero aun asi es mejor reducirlas a la mitad para hacer subir el precio y ya los que quieran vender que vendan se recuperar en Menos tiempo que esperas a que suba en unos años mínimo 2! Deberíamos de votar todos los que tengamos mas de 10 millones de monedas y si queremos salvarla si no, hacer como yo, ya di por perdido este dinero invertido.
full member
Activity: 163
Merit: 100
Progress is the realization of UTOPIA's
July 28, 2017, 09:32:16 AM
We shouldn't measure the success of DIME by its price against BTC or USD. The success of DIME would be the universal acceptence, so that I don't have to convert it to BTC or USD to spend. The DIME financial ecosystem needs to be self-sufficient. It's true that there are plenty of DIME for everyone who wants it, but for the moment it is essentially looking overwhelming...
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
July 28, 2017, 09:05:19 AM
No not yet.
I will setup a new github with DimeCoin Source Code, implement some changes (increased transaction limit, remove of IRC to avoid fals positives from virus scanners, new ssh version, ...). And when compiling is done and new wallet tested and working well, I will contact coinomi again with the new github source.

Did coinomi ask for it as an essential?

full member
Activity: 163
Merit: 100
Progress is the realization of UTOPIA's
July 28, 2017, 07:26:32 AM
No not yet.
I will setup a new github with DimeCoin Source Code, implement some changes (increased transaction limit, remove of IRC to avoid fals positives from virus scanners, new ssh version, ...). And when compiling is done and new wallet tested and working well, I will contact coinomi again with the new github source.

Did coinomi ask for it as an essential?
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
July 28, 2017, 03:55:50 AM
A small update: paper wallet now shows URL:
...more news at the weekend...  Smiley

Any update from Coinomi end? It's been quite a while since you contacted them...

No not yet.
I will setup a new github with DimeCoin Source Code, implement some changes (increased transaction limit, remove of IRC to avoid fals positives from virus scanners, new ssh version, ...). And when compiling is done and new wallet tested and working well, I will contact coinomi again with the new github source.
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