
Topic: DIMEcoin - page 97. (Read 315328 times)

Activity: 13
Merit: 0
August 06, 2017, 04:00:09 PM
I have created a thread under the Reddit crypto community link is below please comment and upvote. Will be adding more and commenting about dimecoin on other threads. Thanks
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
August 06, 2017, 02:50:18 PM
I have to be connected then I can sync

yes. Do not turn off your computer and the Internet. Your computer should not go to sleep mode
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 01:08:31 PM
Hello Andrei, my name is Eric, you didn't offend me and your English is quite well! I completely agree with you we need to get more people excited about our coin! I am more than willing to work with you and I hope more in this community work with us too. We can all take steps on making dimecoin more known On the internet. The new Facebook page is a start. I myself will work on getting threads started on Reddit and even 4chan.  It would be great if everyone in this community liked the Facebook page that way we can get a good idea of how many backers we actually have here. If there is anyone on here that wants to start a twitter account that would be great too! Andrei it's great to meet you and I'm looking forward to working on great ideas with you. Our future is bright, this community is world wide and has the capability to expand, we just need to tell people about Dimecoin.

I make a story, then I'll show it here in two languages, Russian and English. I need 2-3 days.


Я дeлaю мaтepиaл, пoтoм eгo пoкaжy здecь нa двyx языкax, pyccкий и aнглийcкий. Mнe нyжнo 2-3 дня.
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 01:05:20 PM
I have to be connected then I can sync

yes. Do not turn off your computer and the Internet. Your computer should not go to sleep mode
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
August 06, 2017, 12:07:17 PM
I have to be connected then I can sync
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 11:59:59 AM
Because a delay
I lost my coins help Huh   Fill your address dime and you'll see the balance, and while you wait for the network to sync. Do not turn off your computer. It took me five days.
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
August 06, 2017, 11:52:09 AM
I do not know what was  where I see it ??
But it takes too long to sync
full member
Activity: 155
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 11:19:59 AM
Because a delay
I lost my coins help Huh

how come that?
Does not confirm my balance.

Hi Neguinho,

I think they are not showing only because the wallet is not completely sync yet. I had something similar happened to mine and until the block that carried that transaction was synced the amount had not shown until that point. Do you know what block # was the one that carried your transaction?
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
August 06, 2017, 08:38:05 AM
Because a delay
I lost my coins help Huh

how come that?
Does not confirm my balance.

Activity: 16
Merit: 0
August 06, 2017, 08:25:27 AM
Gentlemen - there will be a new roadmap for this coin - it is slowly in the works.  A small cheap undertaking will have that - an unsustainable result.

All these ideas are excellent - there are social niches everywhere like Reddit that will need active 'dimecoin' ambassadors.

Other than the great name - what can we add to this coin easily to differentiate it?

Are there any leaders out there?  Please message me directly so we can co-ordinate our efforts.

Activity: 13
Merit: 0
August 06, 2017, 07:38:53 AM
Hello Andrei, my name is Eric, you didn't offend me and your English is quite well! I completely agree with you we need to get more people excited about our coin! I am more than willing to work with you and I hope more in this community work with us too. We can all take steps on making dimecoin more known On the internet. The new Facebook page is a start. I myself will work on getting threads started on Reddit and even 4chan.  It would be great if everyone in this community liked the Facebook page that way we can get a good idea of how many backers we actually have here. If there is anyone on here that wants to start a twitter account that would be great too! Andrei it's great to meet you and I'm looking forward to working on great ideas with you. Our future is bright, this community is world wide and has the capability to expand, we just need to tell people about Dimecoin.
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 06:46:04 AM
REDDIT is good for the growth of our community. The amount of traffic on Reddit is rediculous. If we can start some "positive threads" on dimecoin that could be a good thing. I'm no child I'm actually in my 30s and in the military. I see potential like everyone else. The dogecoin community is huge on Reddit and I'm just saying we need to think about marketing this coin and having a great pitch for it. You have some great ideas, can you make all those things happen? If so let us know what you need from us. In the meantime I will keep buying coins but 60% of 531,000,000,000 is a hell of a lot! 

Hello. My name is Andrei. I'm from Belarus, Minsk. I'm sorry if I offended you, such an interpreter. Let's work. I'm not saying we have to buy 60 percent of coins, it's a lot to us. There's an investor who's ready to invest, but what he saw didn't convince him. We need to take steps, start something, and people with money, big money. Gradually, we'll do it right. We have to start talking. We need a man who will start to move our community on the Internet.


Здpaвcтвyйтe. Meня зoвyт Aндpeй. Я из Бeлapycи, Mинcк. Извинитe, ecли я вac чeм-тo oбидeл, тaкoй пepeвoдчик.  Дaвaйтe paбoтaть. Я нe гoвopю, чтo мы дoлжны выкyпить 60% мoнeт, этo для нac мнoгo. Ecть инвecтop, кoтopый гoтoв влoжить дeньги, нo тo, чтo oн видeл, eгo этo нe yбeдилo. Haм нyжнo дeлaть шaги, нaчинaть чтo-тo мeнять, тoгдa пpидyт люди c дeньгaми, бoльшими дeньгaми. Пocтeпeннo мы вce cдeлaeм, cдeлaeм пpaвильнo. Haдo нaчинaть oбщaтьcя. Haм нyжeн чeлoвeк, кoтopый нaчнeт пpoдвигaть нaшe cooбщecтвo в интepнeтe.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
August 06, 2017, 04:18:09 AM
REDDIT is good for the growth of our community. The amount of traffic on Reddit is rediculous. If we can start some "positive threads" on dimecoin that could be a good thing. I'm no child I'm actually in my 30s and in the military. I see potential like everyone else. The dogecoin community is huge on Reddit and I'm just saying we need to think about marketing this coin and having a great pitch for it. You have some great ideas, can you make all those things happen? If so let us know what you need from us. In the meantime I will keep buying coins but 60% of 531,000,000,000 is a hell of a lot! 
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 04:02:48 AM
REDDIT!!! This site won't give me anything. We need the specialists who will do it. We have some conversations in the community. At least I'm buying coins. My sentences are due to bad English, no one understands. Change the site to include adequate and forward-looking information to interest people with money. We have to buy 60% of the coins to keep the market. I can't do this alone, I don't have that kind of money. You have to open the Android wallet, it's not going to be superfluous. There will be a site, there will be a program of our development, an Android wallet, the situation will change. In the meantime, buy the coins if there's anything.


Этoт caйт ничeгo нe дacт. Hyжны cпeциaлиcты, кoтopыe бyдyт этим зaнимaтьcя. У нac в cooбщecтвe oдни paзгoвopы. Я xoтя бы мoнeты пoкyпaю. Moи пpeдлoжeния из-зa плoxoгo aнглийcкoгo, никтo нe пoнимaeт. Meняйтe caйт, yкaзывaйтe в нeм aдeквaтнyю и пepcпeктивнyю инфopмaцию, чтoбы зaинтepecoвaть людeй c дeньгaми. Hyжнo выкyпить 60% мoнeт, чтoбы дepжaть pынoк. Я oдин этo cдeлaть нe cмoгy, y мeня нeт тaкoгo кoличecтвa дeнeг. Aндpoид кoшeлeк нyжнo oткpывaть, oн нe бyдeт лишним. Бyдeт caйт, нa нeм бyдeт пpoгpaммa нaшeгo paзвития, бyдeт aндpoид кoшeлeк, cитyaция нaчнeт мeнятьcя. A пoкa выкyпaйтe мoнeты, ecли ecть зa чтo.
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
August 06, 2017, 03:13:49 AM
Let us make specific proposals. How to do it. I sometimes get the impression that there are children sitting here. You're going to do the money or shift your work to others. What you need for Reddit, you can address this issue. I'm sorry about the English.


Дaвaйтe кoнкpeтныe пpeдлoжeния. Кaк этo cдeлaть. У мeня инoгдa cклaдывaeтcя впeчaтлeниe, чтo здecь cидят дeти. Bы дeньги coбpaлиcь дeлaть или пepeклaдывaть paбoтy нa дpyгиx. Чтo нyжнo для Reddit, вы мoжeтe зaнятьcя дaнным вoпpocoм. Пpoшy пpoщeния зa aнглийcкий.
sr. member
Activity: 306
Merit: 251
Working for a better world
August 05, 2017, 09:42:00 PM
We need to start some threads on Reddit.

Agree.. that help to growth the community
sr. member
Activity: 306
Merit: 251
Working for a better world
August 05, 2017, 09:41:09 PM
Because a delay
I lost my coins help Huh

how come that?
hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
August 05, 2017, 07:33:27 PM
Because a delay
I lost my coins help Huh

Activity: 61
Merit: 10
August 05, 2017, 12:53:01 PM
It is time that the whole community supports and not only leave it to PEME there is much work, who from the community is aiming to start with the development of marketing each one that enters will have a specific task. And on the android portfolio I think I still have to wait until we have a good idea shaped where we are going to take DIMECOIN.

Es momento de que toda la comunidad apoya y no solo se lo dejemos a PEME hay mucho trabajo, quien de la comunidad se apunta para empezar con el desarrollo del marketing cada uno que entre va a tener una tarea en especifico. Y sobre la cartera de android creo yo aun debe esperar hasta que tengamos una buena idea plasmada hacia donde vamos a llevar a DIMECOIN.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
August 05, 2017, 12:42:33 PM
We need to start some threads on Reddit.
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