We have created a trading bot, currently for use with STEX and Bittrex exchanges (more in future) and it is ready for live testing. The bot is very simple to learn and use, as well as beneficial to the markets. You can create static ping pong grids.
To understand how this works, let's look at a single example bot:
In this example, we'll set the supported exchange = Stex
Enter the market with a = Buy
Available market = NOTE_BTC
Buy Price = 0.00000280
Buy Amount = 100
Sell Price = 0.00000300
Sell Amount = 100
What will happen is it will create the initial buy order for 100 DNotes at 0.00000280. That buy order will remain there until someone sells into it and that order is completely filled. Once the buy order is completely filled, it will create a a sell order for 100 DNotes at 0.00000300. Once someone buys into the sell order and the sell order is completely filled, the bot will then recreate the buy order for 100 DNotes at 0.00000280. It will continue this cycle forever until you cancel the bot.
You can have as many bots as you want. Building a grid of bots going up and down the buy and sell the price range on the buy and/or sell walls. As the price fluctuates within the selected range for your grid, you will be able to make a profit as the bot cycles.
You can make a profit off either side of the trade, or even split the profit by adjusting your buy and sell price. Using the example for buy 100 DNotes at 00000280 and sell 100 DNotes at 0.00000300, you would profit in BTC. You could profit in DNotes if you bought 100 DNotes at 00000280 and sold 93.5 DNotes at 0.00000300 (also accounting for fees).
You can create customized strategies and grids for the markets you are interested in trading. It currently works with any market listed on STEX or Bittrex. It is a simple yet powerful tool for trading that anyone can learn and use and start bot trading in cryptocurrency.
Most importantly though, this is the demonstration for DNotes Pay Software. Which is an automated paywall that can be integrated into any software, automatically accept payments in DNotes and allow limited time based use of the software, requiring no interference from the payee or need for a third party in the transaction.
If you are interested in helping us test, please send me an email at
[email protected] We've fixed a few bugs in the trading bot and the next version is ready for testing.
Some of the fixes include:
-Duplicate orders posted
-STEX not reporting correct price in fulfilled orders
-Bot Closing without error
If you are interested in helping us test, please send me an email at
[email protected]