Good for you that you're a changed man despite the allures of addiction, I've seen a lot of people say that if you're addicted, just seek help but they forgot the part where you have to be the one that's ready for the change and that the realization that what you're doing is only going to hurt you is going to be the start towards rehabilitation for any addiction. Although I still you're not fully recovered since you're still gambling from time to time, it's still is a moment for me to be proud of you and many others of similar situation because you've overcome something that a lot have tried to fight but either succumbed to the deepest pits of addiction and just gave it all up or died from it (although it's the worst case, gambling addicts have a low chance of getting to this stage).
When it comes to gambling addiction treatment and recovery, one's acceptance of his true condition, alongside with his willingness and determination to heal from it will really play an important role in the process. It's essential for one to acknowledge and accept that you are addicted. Some might be in denial at first, but it's needed for oneself to stop escaping the reality that you have something to work on to. To have a successful gambling rehabilitation, you must come clean to yourself and accept that you need help and counsel from the professionals. It will not really work as intended if you will hold yourself back because you don't want to acknowledge that you have to undergo to something and you have to remove things in your life that doesn't add value.
We do know that there are things that could definitely be stopped if you are really just that sensible on the things you've been doing. If you are really that serious on quitting gambling then
your mind and self realizations would really be enough for you to do so. If you dont have this kind of thing then you would really be ending up on having those addictions becomes worst
as the time goes by.
For those conditions or situations on which you are really that gambling with loan money then it would really be just that right that you should really know in the first place
that doing such act is never been that good. Borrowing money for the sake of doing gambling? This is a solid sign that you do have gambling
problems because people who are in good control wont really be definitely be doing such act.