I understand that basically the existence of loan services will indeed be very helpful for people who really need money in an urgent situation, and the purpose of the loan is nothing more than to facilitate people in solving their problems or provide capital to build a business as you said. But on the other hand, many people are misguided, they utilize and abuse this for something that is really not recommended and this will clearly endanger themselves which in the end will make them get into debt as I said above.
Whenever you do consider out on taking up some loan then it would really be just that wise that you shouldnt really be doing so, unless if you are really that capable on repaying those loans without any issues
then i dont really see any problem in regarding to this but if it would be turning out to be different then this is something that you should really be that not in concern but if you do
see that you do struggle up on repaying those loans in the first place then you shouldnt really be doing this action since from the start.
It is really just that there are people who are really that not wise on taking up some decisions or trying out to make some balancing in between on which one is good
and which one is bad, until they would really be able to see themselves getting wrecked by gambling due to the wrong options or choice that they had made out.
However, there is no better way than not doing it at all or not to use loans as an alternative to finance or fund your gambling activities, this is too dangerous because it will only make the situation worse in the end. On the other hand, I don't care if you have the money to pay back the loans you've taken out, because everything will turn into a "hardship" if over time it becomes a habit. It's not uncommon to see or hear about some of the bad luck that addicted gamblers have experienced, especially in terms of the many problems they have to face, one of which is financial and this is all your choice, if you really don't want to have the same fate as them in the end then obviously preventive measures should not be ignored and should be prioritized.