We shouldn't even be talking to the government... This is none of their business and it should stay that way.
Did you just say, "money isn't the governments business?"
No, I said bitcoin is not the governments business.. And it clearly isn't.
So who's going to regulate? The US? Well guess what, the rest of the world doesn't give a shit what the US says.
You obviously don't understand what jurisdiction means. US will regulate Bitcoin within its borders & as it interfaces with US, no different from, say, kiddie pr0nz. It also may put pressure on other governments to regulate Bitcoin within their borders. Why did i choose a hot button like child pr0nz? Because like Bitcoin, its consumption seems impossible to regulate -- it's just a bunch of blips & bloops in da tubez, or data stored on pedo's hard drives. And yet the party van arrives.
Besides, according to FINCEN...... Well nevermind they are just a bunch of overbearing dictators that have no respect for the constitution, privacy, or any civil rights rights for that matter.
Government attempts to regulate our bitcoins should be met with fierce opposition, and no negotiations.
If interwebz bravura is what you're talking about, then sure. IRL? I doubt it. If being stripped down to your undies & felt up at the airport when you forget a few coins in your pocket didn't meet with "fierce opposition," i doubt anything will.
You must be a genius! I write C but I don't understand plain English.
You want to be regulated? go ahead... I for one will never tell any government how many bitcoins I mined, or what I sold them for....
Hell I even take steps to make sure they won't find out even if they come take my computers...
You can TRY to regulate me, and I will simply not co-operate. quite simple.
If the rest of the public took a similar hard line against this shit, we might be getting somewhere.
In reality the only ones that are somewhat forced to answer to the government are the exchanges.
So you go answer to the government while I do the same thing I always did, and always will.
How many times has the constitution been amended to strip you of your freedom and privacy even further?
How many Americans can sit at home in their underwear and play a game of poker on their computer in the land of the FREE?
It's also funny how you see Americans in other parts of the world talking about how they come from the land of the free like they invented freedom or something...
The land of the free looks pretty damn oppressive to me.