I don't know who 'your people' are, but it is a fact that the Allied governments killed more of their own citizens, over 20,000,000 people, than the Axis governments, about 12,000,000. These figures don't include other infractions, like the British invention of the modern concentration camp during the Boer Wars, the fire bombing of Dresden, the US genocide of the indigenous population...
My people are Russians -- Soviet Union at the time. Soviet casualties, military: 9-14 million, civilian: 12-17 million. So 21,000,000 minimum. You claim 20 million total for all Allies.
Not even going to bother with the rest ... oh, why not: Dresden was an Axis, not an Allied city (Not "own people.") Get it? Boer wars, also known as Anglo-Boer wars, though curiously not Anglo-Anglo wars, or Boer-Boer wars. Care to guess why? (hint: Not own people!) And yes, Americans did slaughter indians, steal their land & did a whole bunch of other nastiness. (hint: not their own people again!) See how that works?
Now stop trusting your research to guys with lightning bolts & 8s tattooed on their foreheads.
Can't argue with you there - it only further proves the point that government is by far the leading cause of unnatural death - non-governmental terrorism, non-governmental organized crime, individual criminals, and the occasional nutjob mass shooter have a couple of hundred million in body count to go to match government as a cause of bulk megadeath. Democide only tallies government murdering its own citizens. War, of course, adds quite a bit more to the score.
Of course governments are the cause of much wholesale death -- wars, suppressing opposition, borking economic & social conditions to the point where people die of starvation and disease, or start fighting each other like rats in an overcrowded cage. Denial of facts saddens our esteemed and infallible Fact Cat, creating a logical fallacy. Do not want.
The notion that those nasty thing would disappear along with governments is equally repugnant to Fact Cat, along with the notion that banning guns will solve the murder problem. Just as short-sighted and simpleminded.
Governments kill people? Guns kill people. While Fact Cat, in all of his wisdom, would point out that governments often do useful things, like build & plow roads & get rid of the unsightly poor by sending them overseas to get killed out of our earshot, His Wisdom wouldn't fail to mention that the Luger Parabellum, while being the sexiest handgun evar, is designed with one thing in mind -- killing. Fact Cat, not being a pussy, loves his Luger.
Fact Cat hates the government, but he also understands how governments came to be -- the same way that Lugers came to be: the people wanted some killing done. Governments were consistently overthrown throughout history -- like Fact Cat, people always hated governments. And while lulzy, the efforts always amounted to the same thing: A new government
Wat do?
Even religion runs a distant second to government as a source of atrocity. Racking up body count for Jesus, Yahweh, or Allah was considered a ticket to a great afterlife, though from what I've seen, it looks like it'll be a pretty seedy neighborhood judging from the people most intent on going there.
Organised religion is a form of government. The "organised" part is the giveaway here. In many places, during many times, it overlapped with secular law to the extent where the two were indistinguishable. Don't mistake this for intrinsic oppressiveness of religion -- mankind simply has a habit of taking great ideas & shitting them up.
Terrorists are people who want to become governments, governments are terrorists who are already in power.
Either terrorists are incredibly stupid & don't get that piloting a jet into a wall sort-a precludes them from from doing much of anything other than dieing, or they have some other stuff in mind...