The american IRS has as much power to tax bitcoin directly as they have the power to enforce the euro to be taxed at 50%
Not sure what you mean
american IRS can only tax and control and make demands on american currency..
the eurozone can only tax and control and make demands on euro currency..
the UK HMRC can only tax and control and make demands on the UK currency..
Don't know about the other two, but no currency needs to get involved for the IRS to act against you -- You have land? You owe. You changed Joe's plugs & he unclogged your sink? You owe. You owe in US currency, but you don't need to trade in it to owe.
yea they may have relationships with each other and agree on advice from their partners. but this does not mean that IRS/FINCEN/HMRC have authority of a currency not belonging to them.. they can only regulate it if the people that do own it fully and voluntarily agree to it.
How i wish that were true. It's not. You can trade in Monopoly money for all they care -- if you end up with value, they want their share.
bitcoin is not owned by a country. so please get your heads out of the sand.. bitcoins cannot be taxed.. only when converted into native FIAT will that native countries laws start to apply.
Or stuff. Fiat or stuff. Otherwise Londoners would be paid in $$$ & New Yorkers in Pounds, and no one would have to pay tax.
so lets start building bitcoin only businesses. bitcoin only telecoms companys, grocery stores, lets move away from FIAT and choke the financial industry.
As soon as the grocery stores can pay their suppliers in bitcoin, and their suppliers pay their suppliers with bitcoin, and turtles all the way down...