How did your Government-provided Blue-Pill taste this morning, friend ?
It's a fact, your government announced publicly.
1 of a lot of points i posted you all sit here and lie & deny.
Because America are perfect little Heroic Angels !
As the media reported..
After booting in the door of a house in Pakistan your soldiers started on their shoot to kill mission
by killing the first guy they seen then 1 after another..
There was never any intention of capturing prisoners !
Many were killed was not just the assassination of a *suspected* Osama Bin Laden.
And Obama himself has admitted publicly on TV that his intelligence reports stated
at best, they had a 50/50 chance it was him.. and it was HIS ultimate call on whether to go and hit the compound.
Apparently entering countries illegally with stealth choppers *IS* an option.
Lucky for you guys your unarmed choppers were able to escape before being shot down.
Which would have been a funny little media story LOL
So lets carry on shall we little Mr. Blue Pill Boy..
Because apparently you as an American had no idea what or why you were cheering
when they fed you the News story media sound bite / headline.
So it is up to me as a Canadian to tell you what your govt. rabid dog has been up to.
And how do i know ?
Pretty simple i have for 40 years watched American TV stations up here in Canada
and know everything about you guys while you know NOTHING about us..
Because as YOU have said a few times the last few pages back here..
We don't matter and you don't pay attention to us. <--- ROFL
But i digress for you "Blue Pill" boy
Yeah you made off with your body / corpse and in the wake of the carnage aftermath you laid out
you left behind a blown up chopper on someones front lawn in a residential neighborhood
as it exploded with women & children standing by in the house.. where corpse(s) were laying around.
Just imagine the scene, the women were not killed but had to watch it all go down as masked men
booted their down down as they lay in bed in their underwear at 4am and assassinated any MAN..
Then they had to watch the explosion wondering just what the fuck it was..
while trying to deal with about 6 crying children as flames and explosions and bullets were firing off. fighter Jets roared over head etc.
Mighty heroic ..of you guys to run ASAP you were radio'd on your chopper from the Sea fleet that Pakistani fighter Jets were scrambled.
So you "Heros" ran for it.. winding your way through the hills low to the ground as day broke..
Trying like hell to evade radar with those 51 million dollar custom built area 51 choppers
..the people of the USA approved paying for $$$
Then when you got to the Aircraft carrier you landed and delivered your prize !
A dead body of none other than the infamous "Osama Bin Laden"
Where your doctors on the ship decapitated his dead body ..saving his head for Proof / science or what ever.
Then.. you Heros unceremoniously dumped the rest of his body off the side of the ship at sea.
You had no use for that .. or a proper / respectful burial that complied with Muslim religion.
Nope.. the only religion that matters is Team America and the World Police (MOTO = In God We Trust)
Sadly you Americans don't grasp the concept of inciting anger from Muslims.
You seem to think you can do one thing but if they do the same thing it's a horror story.
MORE Pure raw 100% "American" hypocrisy !
So yeah "Blue Pill" YOU FUCKING DID cut the guys head off !
You admitted it publicly.
And, you DID battle fiercely for credit for the debacle / shenanigans you pulled in Pakistan that early quiet morning.
Since i am required to bend over backwards explaining things repeatedly to ignorant idiots...
i should add that i do not support Terrorism.
I support peace and fairness.
And there was nothing peaceful or fair about that USA govt military operation. (or many others)
Unlike when you caught Saddam Husein and took him prisoner and put him on trial
..this time it as a Kill-ONLY mission !
And what is troublesome is the ongoing precedent being set..
where America feels that it is entitled to sneak into any country anywhere
and kill anyone for any reason then leave a big mess and a pile of corpses.
..then run and hide like cowards (bragging publicly about being a hero of course)
Did you have permission ? No you did not !
Do you need it ? You bet your ass you do.
You "Blue Pill" clowns should have your status at the UN revoked.
Putin feeds arms to rebels etc to start shit in Ukraine and you flip out..
YOU GUYS pull shit like that and defy UN orders to NOT invade Iraq etc
and you are "deemed" the heros ?
How in the hell does that retarded hypocrisy work ?
You see Americans i am not pissed off about ONE incident.
I am sick of you guys because of your bullshit i have watched you pull for 40+ years now.
I get fed up when it starts to affect my way of life in our NON-Nuclear country Canada
and our peaceful way of life.
Here we are yet again.. dragged into more wars with our "friendly" neighbor
Enough is enough, Get your shit together !
Put your dog on a leash Americans.
The wold is sick of your shit and thinks you are a plague.
They do ignorant delusional mouthy heros "who invented everything" ..Look around.
Google it.. get no.1 educated !
Why does a Canadian have to lecture you about what YOUR country is doing ?
I can just imagine the red-neck earlier slur, hey there guy what about dem cruise missiles ? You said we attacked some town ? i proved it to the fuck trailer trash hick.
And his retort ?
Oh well.. well.. we didn't just strike that -ONE- town.. we struck -MANY- towns at the same time.
Ohhh well Spoetnik is WRONG then huh ? ROFL
You did not just attack 1 town you hit 4 or 5 locations so uhh Spoetnik your wrong.. hahahhahahaa
Lovin' That logic LOL
Seriously are you all fucking retarded ?
Time to park your nuclear sub in the trailer park and call it a day "Heros".
- This has been another History Lesson by your friends North of the Border :0
How else are you all going to learn ?
Hell you are too lazy and stupid to even use a search engine LOL
Learn how to internet guys.. work it at you can be number ONE !!!111