Hey man, what ya gonna do ? A man has gotta eat !
You live up North ?
There is not a lot going on but snow ice and more god damn snow
I enjoy clubbin's seals myself .. some of them grubby little bastards have it coming.
You ever talked to a seal ?
Some of them are just begging for a punch in the mouth !
By the way was that your veiled attempt at trying to compare the reputation of Canada to the USA ?
'Cause i already told you that boat ain't gonna float.
The deflection game continues...you have no other retorts or ANY defense at all actually.
I raise concerns about the ongoing US problem ?And the response is Spoetnik this and Canada that.Which would be find & dandy if it had any merit.
But at this point it is off-topic and nothing but irrelevant diversionary clown games.
Did someone create a topic called "
Do you also think that Canada is the biggest plague of the world?"
Maybe step up and own it ?Apologize.Work on your cocky & conceited attitude.
Make an effort to acknowledge the problem and maybe you guys would not have to deal with some much hate.
Like to me after 911 the first thing i thought is why ?
I really wonder why Americans did not question why lots of people were willing to kill themselves in suicide attacks.
Me ? i would be concerned about this and have to ask why !
And how has it gotten that bad ?
And where do we go from here ?
So what we have seen is the gut reaction is minutes after Bush got his class room ear whisper
he bolted on TV to ramble on about "God" and his plans for revenge
..no matter WHERE on Earth !
To me this raises alarm bells.
Red flags go up when Bible Thumpers armed to the teeth start going on revenge missions for their need for blood.
Rather than having an analytical and thoughtful well planned response.
The knee jerk reaction is to pour weapons, money, military hardware and human lives into the War meat grinder.
In vain !
..as the American general(s) that all in succession took over in charge of the Iraq war.
What did i learn after 911 asking why ?Bit by bit over the years more and more info came to light.
As to what the US govt has REALLY been up to.
Zero Dark Thirty - The movie starts on 911 as the towers are getting hit with people screaming.
A horrible tragedy i wish never happened.
It was an awful event in history for sure !
What is the best way to handle bad events in history ?
Learn from them !
Which is why i wondered.. WHY this happened and what led to it.
And why i wondered why that movie STARTED on 911 ignoring all events before that day.
Rampant denial and ignorance is not going to pay the bills boys.You tried that and what happened ? You got hit in the towers !
Why did you all have no idea about the pre-911 events ?
Because you all don't give a fuck !
You simply LOVE that your government is doing what it does (often in secret)YOU SHOULD CARE !AND ...
You should also accept personal responsibility.This never ending "
democrazy" where you willfully permit your govt to be a scummy piece of shit
so you can deliberately turn a blind eye to it routine is just not a valid excuse.
The entire world sees a population that is content to put their blinders on
..as their rabid dog does as it pleases.
What have we learned since 911 ?LOTS !
Turns out we were getting warning signs of trouble brewing for a LONG time before that.
But the frustration and secret war playing out reached a boiling point no one expected.
Learn from history or it repeats ?A violent, mouthy, highly aggressive, deceitful, morally corrupt, racist pig is running for President
and you all have the fucking audacity to try and defend voting for him in November ?
Saying "we need to shake things up" as the key explanation ?
Is that what you all in America REALLY need ?
You really
ARE a nation of fucking idiots.
And wanna drag Canada into this ?
No problem..
I can assure you all there is no way in hell we would elect that wacko lunatic.
So.. what did we learn from 911 and since ?Pirate Music..
Build a Wall.
Beat up protesters..Let's Make America Great *
How ?Trolling the election system is a great idea
Vote for the big mouth with no plans.
Trumps answer to everything when asked how EXACTLY he will accomplish his campaign goals ?
All he ever says is.. You'll see ..we'll get it done.
And you actually believe campaign promises like that ?
Talk about fucking Gullible.
- This is just another Educational-Rant from your friend up North
Too bad you Americans don't know as much about American politics ..as Canadians LOL
Shit.. we even have to time to "Club Seals" ROFL
See this guys face ? We did that !