"seehing" LOL
And how often do i get mocked for posting smilies & LOL ?
0/10 cliche'd / uninspired
Try again kid ?
And yeah i say kid because you 3 have the intellect of a 5 year old. (combined) hahhahaha
You REALLY should learn what league your in.
I already had the skills to dominate your ass & eat you alive 20 years ago online sidroast.
Every year a another batch of lippy pussies go online with mom's computer..
Thinking their gonna Trollz the web !!11
Then they run into me the god damn fucking dragon
I take all comers.. all day.. every day.. all year.. every year.. for decades.
I don't work so i have all the time in the world pricks LOL
I will be tightening up the saddle i put on your ass in a decade.
Why i think the USA is a Plague (a short ON-TOPIC essay by Spoetnik)
Ok i will elaborate at least a little
You see 'Talker's i have an RSS feed on my browser home page (YES people still have home pages)
And i am kept informed about all kinds of things the USA is up to.. 24/7
What do i see ?
I see the Americans harassing the living shit out of anything to do with File Sharing.
They have the bloody nerve to call me a pirate then pull all kinds of shenanigans all the time.
And it's always the USA or the USA indirectly by a satellite group.
Such as the CRIAA here in my country of Canada.
Those scummy fuckheads have the nerve to force all Canadians citizens to pay a federal tax
taken at the cash register when buying all kinds of select pieces of media..
(ranging from HDD's to CD's)
EVEN if you have never pirated or intend to.. they still take the tax money from us all.
And NONE of it goes to artists.. it's used to fuel more anti-piracy efforts etc.
This is a branch of the RIAA.. an American based organization or at least
it's the American branch that is always causing the most trouble for us that believe in freedom.
So uhh yeah collect money from me by force then call me a thief for something that is not even a "theft"
nor is it even copy.. we share derivatives for FREE with each other.
This would be like..
Say Microsoft and Apple saying ok we NOW own Bitcoin.
So for now on anyone who makes a virtual currency is now a copyright infringer.
Then they'd run around doing P2P network poisoning, stalking, extortion letters etc etc..
Why ?
Because they liked the idea someone else had and decided to copy it then declare it illegal
and then monetize it for their own financial gain.. How American of you !
You all love Github so much eh ?
Do you know how much unique code they take down via copyright infringement DMCA requests ?
Basically if you make something that *COULD* be used for what *THEY* deem is an improper use.
(File Sharing)
They declare that "tool" criminal and have it pulled.. Github has been doing this for years.
As well as handing over names + IP's the whole entire time.
LIKE ALL AMERICAN WEB SITES / SERVICES do.. from THIS FORUM to Github Coinbase to Gox to Cryptsy.. to VPN's..
Nothing but US govt puppets..
See a pattern yet here girls ?
The U S fucking A
Ohhh the MP3 format is wonderful.
Let's monetize it !
Anyone trading MP3's now is a criminal because they did not buy it off iTunes.
Hey assholes i was sharing them before you MADE iTunes
I intend in having a free internet period.
These American cunts can't stop me.
And they can pry my download button from my cold dead hands !
Thanks a lot Coinbase for helping get the guy from KickAssTorrents arrested
by reporting all his info and activity to the US authorities / copyright MAFIAA.
Plague ?
Uhhh fuck yeah their a god damn plague.. the problems stem from the USA all the time !
"Seething" sure LOL
The fuckers trying to get in my face are seething..
Me i am still downloading and laughing at them bullet proof.
What are you gonna do call the RCMP here in Canada and have them thrown their police lights on + sirens
to come get Spoetnik for that album he pirated ?
I'll tell them to go arrest D. Trump first then come back when they can show me in the criminal code of Canada how taxing me then calling me a thief is a crime.
Seething ?
Ya sure "hero"
Go behead some more Terrorists or lock them up in Guantamo Bay.
Pretty soon that is where all your "pirates' will be locked up i am sure.
lost revenue man.. like 392 Trillion in Lost Revenuez man !!! lIKEOMGBBQ !!1111
"Mission Accomplished" in God we trust.. Free market USA USA USA no.1 no.1 no.1
yeah yeah fuck off..
Keep all your stupid moronic Jingoism bullshit on THAT side of the border fuckheads.
Need something to do ? Bored ? Maybe the world police should go nuke Japan again ? 3rd time's a charm ?
(reason for Iraq war = USA was bored and itching to blow shit up with fancy schmantzy weapons)
Blow me AmeriTards and fuck your Plague country !