God can manipulate cause and effect? Whaou really nice, have any example of anything in the world where cause and effect has been manipulated?
There is no direct example of this. Why not? Because cause and effect, after it is manipulated, produces a history that doesn't show any manipulation.
This is one of the faith things. The Bible says that mankind has free will. Yet cause and effect as we know exists shows that there is no free will. The stickler is that the science that shows cause and effect, doesn't formally accept the idea of pure random that it would take if we had free will. Science is trying to prove pure random and free will, but the best they have is theories.
The point is that if we have free will like God says, and if there is cause and effect that science says, the only way other than miracles is if God recognizes our free will, and adjusts cause and effect in the beginning to make things happen by cause and effect. God doesn't want to show Himself through miracles... except in special circumstances. This is why He goes back to adjust cause and effect in the beginning.
Like you are going to understand any of this.
Which means god does nothing. He already did, but he's no longer doing anything.
No... it simply means that we don't recognize most of how God works and what He does technically.
There are a few things that we know about God, including His existence, and that He is extremely powerful. Also, the fact that He gives us the things that He gives us, suggests that He probably has a lot of love for us. The things that we don't know about God, but that He tells us in the holy books, are things we take on faith.
But it seems, in your previous post that I am quoting, that you are suddenly turning from your faith.
LOL, we don't know anything about him existing or not. It's not because cause and effect exists that God is behind it.
Like the dumbest people claiming that because golden ratio is in the nature pretty much everywhere it means it proves God created all those things...
You are mistaken, I will explain with the example of the pool/billiards professional.
Somewhere during a game of pool, a professional pool player looks at the pool balls scattered on the pool table. Then he says, "I am going to tap the cue ball, which will hit ball x, which will hit ball xx, which will hit ball xxx, which will hit ball xxxx into the corner pocket over here." Then he does it. Few people can do this on a regular basis.
In the beginning of the universe (The universe had a beginning because if it didn't, all-pervading entropy would have reduced it to no complexity by now.), electron x hit electron xx, electron xx hit electron xxx, electron xxx hit electron xxxx, etc., right on down to the present, with countless numbers of hits. And electrons weren't the only thing. All sorts of atomic and sub atomic and energy waves and who-knows-what-else are there doing the same thing, from the beginning right down to the present.
The result that we see today is complexity all around, and especially in the intelligence and emotion of mankind.The universe is countless numbers of times greater than the professional pool player in the complexity it has produced.
When we look around in nature, we see nothing that could have caused the universe. More importantly, we see nothing that could have caused life, and especially intelligence and emotion. Yet these all exist because of cause and effect from the distant past. Whatever produced the universe, life, intelligence and emotion, must have been a great "pool player" to have set these things going in the distant past.
We have no evidence of anything happening spontaneously in the universe. Many things look spontaneous, but they were really caused by something else. This means that there is no random. No random means that everything was set up to run the way it does. Whatever set the universe up to run the way it does, in the face of entropy, so that after thousands of years of cause and effect, it still produces intelligence and emotion, must have been very great, containing a vast amount of intelligence and emotion in itself, far greater than mankind.
Look up the word "God" in the dictionary. There are many aspects. Often the first aspect contains wording like "the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe." Since there was a beginning, and since there is great pool/billiards-like cause and effect beyond understanding, and since there is intelligence and emotion, whatever caused the universe had all this in itself. None of these things happen by random accident. We have no evidence of random accident, because universal cause and effect rule random accident out.
Whatever that "thing" was that caused the universe, did it according to intelligent plan, and with emotion. If it didn't, we wouldn't have intelligence and emotion. The definition of the word "God" in the dictionary fits whatever set the universe up. In fact, we cannot begin to understand how great of a God God is.
Most important. You won't understand this stuff without thinking about it. And you don't have to allow yourself to understand it. But if you investigate these things thoroughly, to see if they make sense, you will find God in them.