
Topic: Do you also think that USA is the biggest plague of the world? - page 8. (Read 24024 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I think the solution is the people of the USA need to take back the control they gave up.
The government is suppose to serve the people.. not the other way around !

I am not saying over throw the govt.
Just saying you can't let it run wild out of control with almost no oversight.
Wrap your head around how much is done in secret or is "Classified" in the USA people.
That has been the go-to excuse for far too long.
They do anything and then just say.. "Classified"

Well who is holding them accountable then ?
Nobody !
They are running wild.

I think a more "controlled" by the people govt would produce better results for the people.
Maybe some of that massive amount of military money can be put to use improving the country ?
I think the quality of life for American citizen could be drastically improved by better management.

We need a govt but one that works for us.
I say what i do because i'd like to the situation improve in your country Americans.
I'd like to see you all get more respect internationally and have a higher quality of life.
And i think there is a large potential for that too !

If the people of the use demonstrated that they want better and do not blindly approve of their govt
it would go a LONG way in restoring the reputation of the people.
International public perception would change eventually.

You know nothing at all. Without the USA and its empire-building, the governments of the rest of the world would focus on taking more freedom than ever away from their citizens. As it is, because of the USA and its tactics, governments are scared to death that they might offend the USA, and receive retribution for it, from the mightiest country the world has ever known. So they sit around and do nothing, all the while casting about for some plan or working to protect them from the fierce USA.

In other words. The people of the world have relative peace because of the war-mongering USA.

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
I think the solution is the people of the USA need to take back the control they gave up.
The government is suppose to serve the people.. not the other way around !

I am not saying over throw the govt.
Just saying you can't let it run wild out of control with almost no oversight.
Wrap your head around how much is done in secret or is "Classified" in the USA people.
That has been the go-to excuse for far too long.
They do anything and then just say.. "Classified"

Well who is holding them accountable then ?
Nobody !
They are running wild.

I think a more "controlled" by the people govt would produce better results for the people.
Maybe some of that massive amount of military money can be put to use improving the country ?
I think the quality of life for American citizen could be drastically improved by better management.

We need a govt but one that works for us.
I say what i do because i'd like to the situation improve in your country Americans.
I'd like to see you all get more respect internationally and have a higher quality of life.
And i think there is a large potential for that too !

If the people of the use demonstrated that they want better and do not blindly approve of their govt
it would go a LONG way in restoring the reputation of the people.
International public perception would change eventually.
full member
Activity: 171
Merit: 100
No. There are powerful entities who control a great deal of wealth, and with this wealth they are able to manipulate the US and virtually every other country in the world. Through media influence, assassinations, and election fraud.

that's it.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
I honestly think most countries out there just want to be left alone.
I highly doubt they all have secret plans to one day invade the USA.

It comes down to a country trying to "Police" the world.
YOU Americans "think" you get to decide how other countries operate.
Then you leave your border (in the name of god) imposing your will on them !

Then try and say what you said..
If we don't go and get them FIRST they will come and get us.
911 was trumpeted as a "See i told you so" moment.
G. W. Bush then had his excuse to invade Iraq..
Proclaiming they have WMD's and they can strike the USA anytime etc
Then when they invaded they found out they couldn't do anything of the sort.

It's political meddling.
And the USA has really taken it to new levels over the years since WW2

The USA is considered to be a plague because of this.
A plague that leaves its own land and shows up on YOURS with weapons etc.
Then they just chant well we have to invade another country..
We had to and we're heros !

I think a key point overlooked here and the evolution of the American attitude personified by D. Trump
is the countries like Russia and China have been watching..
And i bet they feel more threatened NOW than they did during the cold war after WW2.
And to me Trump sounds like Hitler back when he was campaigning.

What has happened HAS happened.
You can all interpret it how ever you want.
But the reality is no other country on Earth has the recent modern history the USA has.
And the American public defending the out of control govt does not know or care what it does.
Do you all have any clue how many Terrorists strikes happen on a regular basis ?
..pick a country
They *usually* get permission and they are announced to no fan fair.
People just take it as the usual news.

What happens is the 3 letter agencies are global.
They find out a terrorist group is in say Nigeria then they get permission *usually* to strike a town etc.
Then it's added to the list of another foreign soil that US soldiers stepped foot on ..killing people.

This is never talked about.
You all do not care.
You all just *assume* your secretive -BIG- govt is doing the right thing.
But why would you ?
Enough bad shit is always in the media to make you have to wonder.
Why did Snowden make the news ?
Why did the US govt make recent demands on Apple / Microsoft ?
Why are ALL the big companies finally pushing back to US govt demands ?
Guantanamo Bay and the "Patriot" act ?

You all think the US citizens voted to have their rights and freedom and privacy stripped from them ?
This was done by a government who does not care what the people think.

Do US citizen know what their govt us doing ?
NO !
That is classified !

And when they found out via a 3rd party that had US soldiers show up in their town
they just chant well.. their all terrorists.

Sorry Americans you can not make excuses for your countries Government
..when you don't even know what it's doing !

How do you defend what you don't know about ?
..or care about ?

You only have something to say once the complaining starts.
otherwise you all go right back to clicking like on Facebook letting your govt run wild internationally.
hero member
Activity: 753
Merit: 505
The greater is that the world is being opened up for the last great spreading of Christianity before Jesus returns.

Jesus is already here. He mows my lawn every Wednesday.

Your joke is getting a bit old here.     Sad
1st time I read it. It was kind of funny.
hero member
Activity: 753
Merit: 505
No. There are powerful entities who control a great deal of wealth, and with this wealth they are able to manipulate the US and virtually every other country in the world. Through media influence, assassinations, and election fraud.
Activity: 1819
Merit: 5547
Neighborhood Shenanigans Dispenser
Your pointless shit posting has done nothing but make you look like a clown.
And contributes to pissing all of the reputation of the USA.

This is your opinion.

Who do i think i am Bobby ?

A self-admitted FUD-spreader whose buttons are easy to push.

Sweet talking me about Trudeau WILL give you browny points i admit..
But sorry sweet-heart i will not lower the price on those Canadian flag pins you need so badly (1 BTC each)

Why do I need Canadian Flag pins ?

We Canadians are saturated by the USA media ALL OUR LIVES.

No. You only THINK you are saturated by USA media. You're not saturated until you start seeing drug commercials on television.

Your silly "Canadian Content" laws keep you in a sheltered government bubble.

I am am one of countless Canadians that have been bombarded with US information since we were born.
We know everything about our own country and often more on the USA.
You guys ?
You don't even know basic shit about your own country Americans because you have your heads jammed up your conceited cocky smug hero ass's !

Good for you there, Ken Jennings.

Bobby just because you get up and throw your arms up in the air chanting i am the for real champ don't mean i didn't just knock you the fuck out.

I claimed no such thing. I'm still posting here. You cleaned my clock real good there, honey.

So laugh it up all you want.. YOU are the one making a fool of yourself.


Your a clown posting funny shit here and i laugh at YOU so keep amusing me.
Doesn't bother me one bit your making Americans look like shit.


You're out of your league kid and i think deep down you know it.

I can bench way more than 22lbs, fam.

Bobby here has had a massive hard-on for me

Are you coming on to me again ?  Kiss

It's about some manic weirdo out there desperately trying to have a run at ole Spoetnik !  Cheesy
Because he is a contrarian and has a mental problem or two and won't see a shrink about it.

* BobLawblaw applies palm directly to face

So he spends all his time loitering around stalking people at Bitcointalk Trolling like a child.
Don't believe me ? ..then look at the last 12 pages on this topic alone.

Stalking ? LOL. And I'm the deluded one ?  Grin  Spread that FUD all over me, sexy !

Anyone who knows me knows you won't win.
Go hard though.. let's see what you got kid. (i have a decade or two to spare for this)  Cool

LOL ! Who ever said this was about winning ? I'm having a blast here.
I can go real hard... for you...

Want my autograph Bobby ?  Grin
2 BTC (special price just for you)

Nah, not worth it. Thanks, though.

Where did i say anything about changing America ?
That is NOT what this topic is "aboot"  Grin
The topic is about perception and Spoetnik opinion.

Well, you're obviously very critical about the United States, so a logical deduction would be that there are things you would want to change about it, no ?

If not, what is your end-game here ? Just endlessly ranting on about how shitty America is, in your opinion ?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The greater is that the world is being opened up for the last great spreading of Christianity before Jesus returns.

Jesus is already here. He mows my lawn every Wednesday.

Your joke is getting a bit old here.     Sad
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
Me thinks you been watching too many movies..

What part of the German, Japan, Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan WAR INVASION did you not get ?
What part of Tanks rolling in and bombers dropping Nuke's did you not understand ?

The World Police Plague is not about movies or conspiracy theories.
It's a real problem !
Which is why REAL people got pissed off and hijacked planes and threw them into US towers.
And yeah that was a movie.. "Zero Dark thirty"
A propaganda movie that started at 911 and mentioned NOTHING of the events leading up to it.
A movie touted as based on a true story that deliberately left out 75% of the story..
The 75% part that made the USA look bad.

Don't take your history facts from movies guys LOL
Especially movies made by Americans for American and policed for Piracy by Americans (world wide)

You know it really doesn't take much to get the truth.. just open your damn eyes for once people.

Oh some guy criticized America ?
Well then, he's a "hater" of course and probably a terrorist right ? right ?

Tell that to the guy who owned KickAssTorrents who was busted because Coinbase ratted him out to the American World Police !
Or tell it to Kim Dotcom who was not even on US soil (like the KickAssTorrents guy)
Or the Japanese children that were vaporized in Nagasaki by an American Nuclear bomb.
Or the people who made the mistake of living with a suspected Bin Laden who were assassinated in Pakistan.
Or conscript soldiers who had no choice but to "work" for Saddam's army who were bombed.

There will not be a Bin Laden assassination movie though..
That story alone would be a Terrorist Training video.
It would be touted as the reason why people in the middle east hate the USA.
It's nothing but sneak attacks, killings and beheading and running like cowards.
It would give the American population the truth and they can't have that now can they ?
Conspiracy theories ?
If you all think that you ARE a brain dead moron.
The debate is OVER when it's your president on TV telling the story on a US documentary.
Sorry but when your own politicians go on TV and admit it all word for word
..there is not a god damn thing left to debate.


We are not talking about the fantasy Jingoism Propaganda theme to bullshit movies.
We are talking about a real problem with the USA playing world police the point where the world considers them to be a "Plague"

And no it does not matter what YOU think dear reader.
What matters is what does the people around the planet think.
THAT is what matters and THAT is the fucking TRUTH !

All the propaganda movies preaching to the choir made won't change this reality.

Americans believe what you want but if you have not learned anything or changed your ways.
Then don't expect the towers getting hit to stop.
If you use your god damn brain for a second you would see NOTHING has improved since 911
all that has happened is you Americans made the situation far worse.
How do i know ?
Well for one thing the very top head General(s) that led the war in Iraq on the ground admitted it specifically.
This is not a debate.. they ALL said it period .
They also said it was foolish because they you can not win an asynchronous war.
And that they were ill equipped hardware and intelligence wise to fight that kind of war.
Rolling a fleet of tanks into a town fighting them like that is unwinnable.. the US generals said.
It's about the TYPE of war being fought over there.
It's not about country A putting 100 tanks on a battlefield vs 100 tanks for country B.
So all the obnoxious whooo rawwww no. 1 tough guy Jingoism in the world is not going to do sweet fuck all !

Gonna get smart after all these years since 911 ?
Oh yeah.. it really seems like it.
Look at the popularity of Donald trump !
What has he done ?
Asked his campaign supporters to beat up his opponents then when they did and were arrested for assault he then congratulated them for their heroic and patriotic acts of domestic violence.
Then he mutters non stop racist retard commentary about building walls etc.
Did you know the Muslim gatherings draw in more people in one place that any Christian gathering ?
Yup you cocky mouthy dumb fucks are alienating half the planet.
And even when they say we hate you and smash a plane in your towers you STILL
loiter around saying no... EVERYONE LOVES US WE are Earths official Hero !!!111ONE

Uhhmmmmm NO  Cheesy

You ARE the most hate people on the planet.

You might want to work on getting your shit together.
In the mean time i have Canadian flag pins for sale so you don't get murdered in Mexico.
Hey don't worry you can talk tough at home..
But when you travel out of the country you can sneak around *pretending* to be Canadian ROFL  Cheesy

Jesus fucking christ you people are god damn delusional.
"In God we trust" no.1 no.1 no. 1 chant it form the roof tops Guantanamo "Hero" Bay  Shocked

Hmm build a wall ? Muslims ? Invading Muslim countries with "In god we trust"
the countries official moto and slogan stamped on US money fighting MUSLIMS
on their land after the UN denied the invasion request mean what now ?
And you are ACTUALLY surprised THEY took it as a religious thing ? really ?
Are you people REALLY that fucking dumb ? WOW  Roll Eyes

Don't worry just blame someone else.. blame Canada maybe ?
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
I am being to think that they are with all the rioting and race wars they have there now. Angry

Lol.  Maybe you read all the hatred post here.  All the negative thinking about the US.  I thought that it could be possible especially if you are a fan of conspiracy theory themed movies.  The story of a secret agent (country 1) which is doing everything to capture the real enemy (country 2) but after all the heroic act of the secret agent, he will find out that the real enemy, the traitor, the mole, is his boss (USA).  Grin 

But I still have faith that those were only possible at movies.  We humans really wants peace.  I think US do have big roles here as this country is always the friend of every country.  The one who is always there for you because he is capable of everything.  He is powerful and rich.  But I do not think US would do things that will promote war.  I still hope for a peaceful world.
Activity: 1819
Merit: 5547
Neighborhood Shenanigans Dispenser
It's funny i have called out 2 or 3 of you and put it on you for a dozen pages
and all you two have done is hide and sling shit like brats.

Hiding ? LOL. Nope. Still here. Trying my best to pretend like I give a shit about your opinions on The United States, and not peeing myself while laughing at you Grin

I mean, who the fuck do you think you are ?

Seriously, honey.

You write these hilarious walls-of-text like it's going to amount to something, or effect some meaningful change in America.

That's straight up delusional of you.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
Imagine a world without the American corporations. No Dyncorp and Blackwater mercenaries to conduct armed coups and ambushes on civilians and elected officials........ no Monsanto and Cargill to infect poor people with cancer through their genetically modified Frankencrops... and definitely no Chevron and ExxonMobil to destroy the environment with their numerous oil spills.

How I've waited for you to come.
I've been here all alone.
Now that you've arrived..
Please stay a while
And I promise I won't keep you long..

I'll keep you..

Activity: 60
Merit: 10
US is the cause of destruction of this world and everything that happened in post centuary was only because US is trying to control the world with such raw power that the world cant handle
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Imagine a world without the American corporations. No Dyncorp and Blackwater mercenaries to conduct armed coups and ambushes on civilians and elected officials........ no Monsanto and Cargill to infect poor people with cancer through their genetically modified Frankencrops... and definitely no Chevron and ExxonMobil to destroy the environment with their numerous oil spills.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
Rationalizing, Canadian thief confirmed.

I eat my bananas vertically. (unlike someone here i won't name)

... refers to self in third-person. Certified crazy detected.

Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa is buried in my basement.

Nope. Way out of your league. I try not to stick my dick in crazy.

You KNOW you are NOT in my league unless.. you refer to yourself in third-person.

So did you get a recommendation to see a therapist yet or what ?

Nope, i keep getting distracted by the so called "Sane" guy egging on the crazy guy (ME)
Funny you claim this yet taunt and harass and insult a person with clear mental problems.
For shame Bobby ..for shame.

Did you have anything even vaguely on-topic to say Bobby ?

I will see if i can get a double apt booked for us both to see that shrink..
Clearly you need to speak to someone about your Spoetnik issues.

I support File Sharing.
No one can stop me or my people.
We fight for freedom !
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
Ever heard of Kim Dotcom ?
New Zealand is not a 3rd world country.

Kim Dotcom is still roaming free in New Zealand. The Americans can't do him anything. The same with Edward Snowden as well. They want to control the internet, but are unable to do so.

Sweety they did lots.. they stole all his money + HDD's and ruined his business Megaupload
and kicked his door in..
He had to hide as they went in fully armed as he hid in his Mansions "panic room"

i don't need to rationalize anything.
And stick to the topic.

It *IS* the Americans behind it like i said.

The only guy trying to rationalize anything is YOU & the CRIAA who forces us to pay a piracy tax.

Like i said again & again like a broken record you will NOT address the topic here.
And you will try and insult me (like that is relevant)

Believe it or not Bobby although i am mega popular and have a vibrant and strong fan base
not all these people here want to discuss Spoetnik.
I bet people grow tired of hearing you crying & whining about the legendary Spoetnik  Cheesy

I am curious do you actually think your in my league Bobby ?

Review all of what has been said here.
I have not been wrong once.
Activity: 3332
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Ever heard of Kim Dotcom ?
New Zealand is not a 3rd world country.

Kim Dotcom is still roaming free in New Zealand. The Americans can't do him anything. The same with Edward Snowden as well. They want to control the internet, but are unable to do so.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
I am being to think that they are with all the rioting and race wars they have there now. Angry

Riots and race-wars happening within the borders of the United States is not an issue for the non-Americans. Personally, I don't bother much about the ongoing race-war in the US. However, my concern is the US invading some new third world country every now and then.

Ever heard of Kim Dotcom ?
New Zealand is not a 3rd world country.

And they had their puppets run the court case in Sweden for The Pirate Bay trial too.
The judge and lead prosecutor both sat on a US based MPAA copyright board.
The judge was asked on camera if it was a conflict of interest he said yes and smiled and walked off..

The UK's anti-piracy efforts ALL stem from the USA first too.

There is one place all this bullshit comes from..

If we LET THEM the internet is going to be stifled ..far worse than it already is now.
I don't like the looks of the internet in the future of we keep letting the World Police Plague run Earth.

Americans need to stay off my damn lawn !
I don't care what they think either.. STFU and fuck off & mind your own business assholes .
The WORLD is taking BACK their rights from the USA and they don't like it but can't stop us !
They have gotten away with too much bullying for too long.. enough is enough !
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