What you've just typed is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
@Little "hero" BobbyYou are full of shit and every person who sees this topic is going to see you and your 17 pages of childish bullshit Trolling & personal insults.
All you have done is stalk the fuck out of me.
On this topic and on others before.. pulling the same insulting bullshit.
You follow me around STARTING shit with me unprovoked as i ignore you.
Topic after topic.
And i love it.
You picked the
wrong mother fucker LOL
The only thing that REALLY bothers me is..
You are not in my league.. your little troll game is weak.
It's a vulgar display of idiocy at work here.
Which relating to this topic does not bode well for people of the USA.
Look at the topic title.. you choose THIS topic to try and Troll me ?
Ya wow you really are smart huh.
Railing on like a sad ass pathetic lunatic for 17 pages crying your eyes out because Spoetnik thinks the USA is a plague is bloody pathetic.
The only conclusion i can come to here is..you feel monumentally threatened by my important opinions.
AND... that you know deep down i have PWNED your ass hard on this topic.
So you need to try and get back at me with insults because i embarrassed you
and stained what ever potential for a reputation you dreamed of here.Mine was cemented long before you skulked your little "hero" ass over here clawing at me kid.
Know what league you are in before you start with people and maybe you won't get owned so hard.
This is all your doing.. you wouldn't keep your mouth shut.
And HAD to just keep getting up to have another run at 'ole Spoetnik.
Desperately trying to get one over on 'em
While i laugh in your god damn face. Fuck you and your little welfare 60 cents on the dollar weak ass crying bitch troll game.
Your a clown and you are here to amuse me.
I will be back and i EXPECT ..no i
DEMAND you amuse me clown !
Dance bitch..
dance for me !Your ass is mine, this topic is mine
and the fucking internet is mine.
I am bullet proof and take all comers.
Me and my welfare ass will PWN you to fuck & back sweety.
So lets see what ya got Plague boy.
..just keep pretending to be Canadian chumps i'll be cashing my welfare check and spending it all on Canadian flag pins eh
I am expecting a surge in you all buying them once you "heros of the world" elect Donald Trump.
Hey cocky heros check this out..http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/01/travel/fake-canadians-canada-day-travel/Google About 262,000 results = "Americans wear Canadian flag pins on backpack"
Why ?
Because i had read a news story before where Americans were wearing Canadian flag pins
when traveling to Mexico so they did not get robbed & murdered down there.
And it does not stop there either..
262,000 results and story after story.
YOU COCKY ASSHOLES HAVE SOME FUCKING NERVE WEARING MY FUCKING FLAG !Who the fuck do you think you are wearing my flag and then running your mouth at me about being heros ?
Seriously !
Who the fuck does that ?
You have some fucking balls denying the PLAGUE comments when you won't even wear YOUR OWN FLAG !
Pathetic.. CLOWNS.
The fucking nerve.. no the audacity.. no the fucking gall !
You Americans are some piece of work WOW !
Grow a pair and wear your own god damn flag your mouth fucking cowards.
Want a real Hero ?
Wikipedia.. "Darfur" clowns.
Americans.. sit the fuck down and shut the fucking hell up.
Your ass is owned
Spoetnik style.
Your shitty ass country is a joke and the world thinks your a plague .