Science is not fake. Cause and effect is visible and used by everyone everywhere. The greater the scientist, the more he uses cause and effect. All scientists know this.
We do not know how to make one living cell, but nature does. Nature makes an abundance of life all over the place, but we can't make any. Sure, we are close to making something like life. And we can manipulate life in the lab. But we can't throw a bunch of chemicals together, even if they are the right chemicals, and start them to be alive. Even if we could, we have no clue how to make them reproduce, a feat nature does all over the place all the time.
Machines have makers. We get all of our machines from watching what nature has been doing long before we thought of making machines. Who or What is the Maker of the machines of nature?... machines that are way beyond us, especially in making life. We have no evidence of any machine that exists without a maker. We have no evidence of any complexity that does not have something more complex from which it sprang.
The definition of our word "God" fits the Machine Maker of nature and the universe. Cause and effect is the tool God used to make nature what it is today.