It's not only about legality. Gambling is a legal thing where I live, but still it can be shameful if you gamble away the money your faminly needs to pay bills and to buy food and stuff. Also even if you don't spend a penny on gambling but play for free only, it can be shameful if you spend most of your free time on gambling. People around you need your attention so it's better to be with them than to gamble your time away behind the computer screen.
Yes very true, humans are social beings, and we as human beings have to make good relationships with other people, with the people around. Our life is outside, the outside world is our life, we can do anything outside. Instead of sitting in a chair padded mu with a little snack at your computer desk and gambled in front of a computer screen. It's not something that should be done by humans, humans were not created for it. Anyone who lives like that should be embarrassed.
Yup, everyone will surely prefer to remain at home if it is indeed in the House they can do anything that can be done outside the home. Because most of the people will certainly choose to be near to his family. But it all does have risks, because they are doing is gambling. So if they can control themselves then it is not a problem but if it can't then it will be a big problem and their families one home with him could get a bad life