THIS is what a 'zero carbon' world looks like, except multiply it by about 7 billion. 'climate change' is a much bigger scam than covid-19 (and brought to us by the very same people I might add.) It's a hard-core depopulation agenda. 'Climate believers' are for the most part well meaning innumerate simpletons, but I don't think that this will be enough of a defense when the day of retribution comes.
lets handle this little ditty.
yes blaming climate on carbon is the simpleton answer.
the more complex answer is water
less water in the sky means warmer days. less snow to land on the poles
why less water.
more man made roads and concrete and sewer pipes means less ground water to evaporate.
people relying on underground wells instead of rivers due to dams/reservoir hoarding
less water run off back into ground
underground wells dry up causing subsidance and ground sinks. america and jacarta. india are prime examples of land falling below previous levels.
yep sea levels in us/jacarta are not highlighted as rising. but instead the land is falling.
but US love to make more holes below their feet. empty oil wells. fracking. you name it. worse then swiss cheese below your feet
and all that climate tax funding going to insure and pay for flood defense not restart natural flows of the water cycle.
so yes environmental changes that impact climate are human caused. but not for the reasons media say
the carbon buzzword is because fossil fuel companies knew decades ago their resource was running out. but they dont want to invest their own profits into diversifying their business. so they get citizens to pay up for research grants into renewables. they know the fossil fuel industry is dead so blame it on the fossils and profit from it at the same time
as for things like the bleaching of sea coral. more honest nations are admitting its due to the water running off from industrial farming. yep all that yummy fertiliser that kills small bugs are killing the small bugs on coral.
ok ill be fair. ill let you have this one. 'monsanto monsanto monsanto'
i made the effort to address this little ditty because if these idiot conspiracy nuts actually took the time to research some facts they can actually find a proper enemy to be angry at. .. rather than making one up
so instead of wasting months trying to blame china for things happening in america. look at the thins happening in america that are going to change your life
china did not create covid.but america certainly hasnt done its job in stopping it