Yeah sure thing, and all these investors buying into the pharma companies developing vaccines got scammed? You know that they would have to go to prison for investors fraud.
If you don't know atleast one person who is infected by corona by now I can't help you. But the chances of that being true are close to 0%.
People invest in formal religions. Much of the time the various formal religions (as opposed to various denominations of the same religion) contradict each other. Which religion is the right one? But at least they tell you they are a religion. The difference with Big Pharma regarding viruses is, the people don't realize that they have invested in a religion.
Look around yourself. Where is the virus? Where is any virus? Do you see it? Even with the electron microscopes (EM), people only see something that is dead and tiny and unmoving. They assume all kinds of things about this dead thing. They call it a virus. They act like they have figured out what it does and how it works.
Looking at so-called viruses and claiming to know what they do, is like watching the leaves sway in a breeze, and knowing where the molecules of air that moved them went next. The virus story isn't real. It's based on assumptions. All the foundational assumptions about viruses can be built into a whole different story about what viruses are and how they work, if anybody wants to waste his life on re-writing the story. Current virus theory is way more religion than it is science.
How do we know this? The vaccines don't work very well if they work at all. In fact, regarding Covid, if the vaccines work, they work way less than hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) + zinc. And vitamin C + zinc + vitamin D work way better than HCQ + zinc.
If you want to know about this, DuclDuckGo search on "America's Frontline Doctors." Or Altcensored on the same - Or Bitchute on the same - Then do some serious research on the whole idea, in your own way.
Then make a choice. Are you going to call the alternative medicine that you find, a religion? Or will you keep on believing in your virus religion with the Big Pharma companies as your high priests.