
Topic: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? - page 72. (Read 20317 times)

Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 19, 2021, 08:18:17 PM

1 in 333 get reaction(minor, mild or severe combined)

1 in 1500 get expected symptoms
arm pain, immune response(flu like(fevere, chills, fatique) and needle complaints(arm pain))
you know the crybaby expected stuff of getting injected with a vaccine that shows its working
usually get 2 or 3 of them which means its listed as a >1 in 500 risk of any symptom

1 in 15000 mild reaction. things like heart rate changes or numb arms or mild allergy. again they may also have some of the expected symptoms in first category.

1 in 100,000 severe reaction like heart attack or severe allergic attack. bringing odd further down.

but if you wanna call all the symptoms 'severe'. then please tell them your a baby that needs a lollipop, not a complaints card

the government is not hiding anything. they are clear. that yes the vaccine will cause some complaints. but the odds of anything severe or death are low. way lower than 0.001%

covid however has a severe rate of 10% and a death rate(with intervention) of 1% and 2-8%(without intervention)
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
February 19, 2021, 07:28:34 PM
Somebody trusts the Covid vaccine. After all, it wouldn't have done this much damage if it weren't trustworthy, lol.

Experimental mRNA vaccines cause 600 new cases of eye disorders and leave 5 people blind, according to UK Government

The government of the United Kingdom has been collecting critical safety data on the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines, and the latest report doesn’t paint a pretty picture. The first dose of the experimental Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been introduced into the arms of 5.4 million citizens, with 500,000 of these people receiving a second dose. Up until January 24, there have been nearly 50,000 reports of vaccine injury for this specific vaccine, including the sudden death of one hundred seven UK citizens.

A minimum of 1 in 333 people suffer from serious vaccine adverse events in the UK

Another 1.5 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine have been received in the arms of UK citizens, yielding another 21,032 adverse events. These adverse events were recorded up until January 24, 2021, in the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency‘s Yellow Card Scheme, and does not include all relevant, up-to-date injuries. The current rate of vaccine injury (being reported) is 1 in 333 people. This rate of vaccine injury is likely much greater because people are often hesitant and/or ashamed to report vaccine injury; many people see vaccination as 100 percent safe and effective solution and don’t dare to question it. Many doctors refuse to accept that vaccine injury is real.

The adverse events are not minor issues that resolve in a day, either. These adverse events can be life-altering, causing stroke, inflammation of the heart, muscle paralysis, blindness, and anaphylaxis shock. Before experimental mRNA vaccines were unleashed, drug companies signed contracts with every major government in the world, to subvert the rule of law and indemnify their company from taking responsibility for all the inevitable vaccine injuries they knew would occur.

The most shocking reports are eye disorders. At least 634 people were diagnosed with eye disorders after vaccination. One person lost central vision, another person lost visual acuity, thirty-one people report impaired vision, and five people went blind! The Pfizer/BioNTech has caused sixty-nine incidents of Bells Palsy, a condition that paralyzes muscles on one side of the face.

Government continues to downplay rampant vaccine injury and death, perpetrating genocide


Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 19, 2021, 06:37:02 PM

funny part is. that the link you posted.. says everything moderna does say. he just dumbed it down
he does try a couple attempts to taint the info and sway the details into questions. but thats just him knit picking and leaving a few points open to intepretation

take for instance 7. the results
he shows a graph that moderna released. but then he sways the details to say the graph doesnt note the 'symptoms caused by the vaccination'
however earlier he did say the people that have allergic reaction is 1 in 100k
meaning in a study of 15k= less than 1 statistically.
heck add in the 1 of 1000 that have mild symptoms lasting more then 2 days
meaning in a study of 15k=15 statistically

so yes the stats are known by moderna and anyone reading moderna's published stuff.. so not secret.
he just takes a graph of one result and cries that it didnt include details from other results he wishes.
thats not hiding things. that just him complaining that he didnt get a bespoke graph with certain stats he wanted included.

so while he tries to slip in a question that maybe the vaccine has more people suffering symptoms.. the actual math, logic, stats of adverse symptoms would be:

the 185 placebo with covid..vs 27(instead of 11) vaccine with bad symptoms of covid or vaccine
meaning 86% better than just getting covid.. and by far.. not worse

yes he could have used his own research and come to the conclusion i just did. but he appears to leave it an open question for idiots to misinterpret

yes if you want to be bespoke you can say how many people got a 'boo boo' in their arm from the needle.
heck you can cry about how many people were not offered a canty lolliop after and thus had a bad expereince
and make the stats even more diversive. but thats just meandering away from the results of how effective it is against covid
which is placebo 185:11 vaccine = 94%

i gotta say however his details about the vaccine: 'fatty layer' and mrna codons is on point so he did atleast put good effort into the research and dumbing it down.. but his little openings of question. is he flaw
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1074
February 19, 2021, 11:06:38 AM
What Moderna isn't telling us about their new mRNA Covid-19 vaccine
Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 18, 2021, 06:54:43 PM
I find it so weird that states with a low population density like Alaska or North Dakota have the highest percentage of vaccinated people while NY, California, and TX are not even close.

alaska surprisingly has more acute care hospitals. and less population per hospital
yes NYC might have loads of small clinics. but anchorage alaska has more main hospitals

anchorage: 24 acute hospitals for 300k (12.5k pop per hospital)
NY City: 62 acute hospitals for 8.4m (135k pop per hospital)

means that if say NYC can do 3% of population vaccines then anchorage can do 30% of population

same dosages per hospital
just more hospitals and less population
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1512
February 18, 2021, 03:50:01 AM

I find it so weird that states with a low population density like Alaska or North Dakota have the highest percentage of vaccinated people while NY, California, and TX are not even close.

NY and California have been hit pretty hard according to the NYT covid tracker so is this because the doses aren't available or people just don't care to get them? It's kind of hard to find reliable stats on how many doses are out there in each state.
Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 17, 2021, 06:34:15 PM
^^^ Stop being so angry at people who know better than you do.     Cool

you knowing the goggled dictionary definition of the word "better" does not make you one of those that are more knowledgable than the average man.

in short. your not more knowledgable
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
February 17, 2021, 06:31:37 PM
^^^ Stop being so angry at people who know better than you do.     Cool
Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 17, 2021, 06:28:30 PM
dont be angry that government advise you to wear a mask when in public to reduce the amount of virus breathed out/in.. because that science is actually true

get mad that government know masks are needed for true health protection. and so the politicians employ their best friends as consultants to manage the shipment of masks. yep big business in just being a manager overseeing the order/delivery of masks

dont get mad that vaccines are effective
dont lie and pretend they are not
dont get mad that vaccine companies make $1 a vaccine which will equate to billions within 1-2 years all totalled
instead get mad that governments best friends make more than $1 in the shipment to hospitals

dont get mad at the healthcare system helping people. get mad at the middle men 'project managers' profiting in times of need
Activity: 4592
Merit: 1276
February 17, 2021, 04:51:57 PM

That sums it up pretty well. I think most antivaxxers are just trying to make a big fuss about it. It is not really the vaccination they are fighting, the are fighting the system in general. Most of them are very angry people and feel betrayed by the government in one way or the other. Being against the vaccination is justification to fight the government. If there was no global pandemic and no vaccines there would be another reason to go on the streets. Remember the yellow west movement in France? 

Kind of true in my case.  For sure I feel 'angry and betrayed' that our so-called 'government' would allow the medical/industrial complex to abuse the plebs in the ways they have, and by doing what they are doing to the masses with 'vaccines' is a big part of this.

In both the cases of 'vaccines' and of 'global climate change', I expected to come out on the opposite side when I knuckled down and actually researched the science.  In both cases, realizing the degree of fraud promulgated by allies of the government and supported by government policy took only a very short time.  Subsequent research only bolstered my unanticipated positions on the subjects.

If anything turned me 'rabidly anti-government' (or corp/gov as I prefer to call it) it would be their active participation in the destruction of science.  This is in part because science, logic, and critical thinking fills in for religion in my case and thus, attacking it is like attacking my religion.

Activity: 4592
Merit: 1276
February 17, 2021, 04:39:24 PM
In case of the COVID 19 vaccines, I agree that they were rushed through. But take a look at the statistics in countries where vaccination has progressed the most. In the United Kingdom, more than one-fifth of the population is now vaccinated. And during the last two months, the average number of new COVID 19 infections have decreased from around 50-60K, to 10-15K. Similarly in Israel (where almost half the population is vaccinated till now), the number of daily infections have declined from around 10K to approx. 3K.

Notwithstanding the fact that to talk about a 'covid-19 infection' makes no sense due to the nomenclature...

Since the 'vaccine' is not demonstrated to or claimed to reduce infection or spreading of infection, it makes the most sense that whoever is producing these numbers are gaming things.  That is, either over-claiming infections back then, or under-claiming them now, or both.  As long as numbers for 'infections' are based in large part on RT-PCR tests with ambiguous cycle thresholds, gaming numbers to any level required is trivial, and especially if the CT is kept secret.

An alternate explanation is that the 'vaccines' actually is highly effective at halting infection of SARS-cov-2 (or some other agent which causes so-called 'covid-19'.)  In that case it should be rather trivial to demonstrate the phenomenon of immunity which is lacking for the current crop of 'vaccines'.  I mean, the numbers you are getting from somewhere are quite pronounced in this respect.

Yet another explanation is the 'the epidemic' has run it's course in the regions that you have 'data' on and it has nothing to do with the 'vaccines'.

If you apply a little bit of critical thinking to some of the things you read you may well end up being glad that you did.

Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 17, 2021, 03:24:48 PM
If there was no global pandemic and no vaccines there would be another reason to go on the streets rampage.

you summed it up in one sentence, bar one minor detail
as most citizen antivaxxers dont go to the streets to get angry/cause chaos. they stay in the basement and just spread their idiocy on social media
hero member
Activity: 1694
Merit: 516
February 17, 2021, 02:45:12 PM
citizen-antivaxxers. are just idiots that dont know better. easily influenced

influencer antivaxxers. are not actually anti vax or anti-pharma. they are opportunists that are profiting from events by not being able to offer a vaccine due to them not having the training/access. so instead try selling homeopathic/herbal crap for more than its worth in more dosage than needed just to get more repeat sales faster.

citizen-antivaxxers cant understand the lies told to them by their influencers and dont care/know the reason they are told lies. even if they know its for their influencers greed/profit. they dont care, they actually think its fine their influencers make money through lies. because their influencers have told them that everyone lies for money. these idiots will then actually spread the lies just to make their influencers more money even if it doesnt make the idiots money

That sums it up pretty well. I think most antivaxxers are just trying to make a big fuss about it. It is not really the vaccination they are fighting, the are fighting the system in general. Most of them are very angry people and feel betrayed by the government in one way or the other. Being against the vaccination is justification to fight the government. If there was no global pandemic and no vaccines there would be another reason to go on the streets. Remember the yellow west movement in France? 
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
February 17, 2021, 02:14:46 PM
Poor, ignorant doctors... and their followers who are often trusting patients. What are doctors ignorant about? Here's what.

There are viruses/exosomes that are so tiny that they can be seen only by electron microscopes, or lately, by the biosphere nanoscopes.

There are also bacteria, which can often be see through the standard microscopes, that generally go only to a max of 3000x.

But what about all the space in between? There are invisible "bugs" that are much larger than viruses/exosomes, yet are much smaller than bacteria. These are the bugs you never hear anything about.

Why don't you hear anything about them? Because they are the ones that are doing the damage. The medical focuses away from even mentioning them, because curing bacteria and virus/exosome maladies, also cures some of the intermediate bug problems by accident. And that is just what the medical wants. Keep the people sick by not even allowing a hint that there is a whole lot more to the whole thing. Yet keep them just well enough so they can work, thereby having enough money to spend on more doctors.

Search for it. Deceased Doctor Hulda Clark saw these intermediate bugs in a 30,000x microscope she used. Othere people have seen them as well. The medical doesn't even talk about them. But they are the place where the problem lies.

Poor ignorant doctors and their patient/followers.

Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
February 17, 2021, 01:21:08 PM
citizen-antivaxxers. are just idiots that dont know better. easily influenced

influencer antivaxxers. are not actually anti vax or anti-pharma. they are opportunists that are profiting from events by not being able to offer a vaccine due to them not having the training/access. so instead try selling homeopathic/herbal crap for more than its worth in more dosage than needed just to get more repeat sales faster.

citizen-antivaxxers cant understand the lies told to them by their influencers and dont care/know the reason they are told lies. even if they know its for their influencers greed/profit. they dont care, they actually think its fine their influencers make money through lies. because their influencers have told them that everyone lies for money. these idiots will then actually spread the lies just to make their influencers more money even if it doesnt make the idiots money

Activity: 3654
Merit: 1217
February 17, 2021, 01:00:13 PM
Fever and local pain are common reactions from the human body to any vaccine, it is not a prerogative of those ones designed to treat the Covid-19 .AFAIK,the severe cases are rare occurrences and vaccination has the  potency to save millions of lives. I hope you will keep this "normal" state.

I would agree 100%.

If these anti-vaxxers had their way, then every year millions would have died as a result of smallpox, measles, polio, diphtheria.etc. The last time I got a vaccine was almost 25 years ago for Hepatitis B. Never in my life, I had a side effect for any of the vaccines that I took. Not even mild symptoms such as fever. In case of the COVID 19 vaccines, I agree that they were rushed through. But take a look at the statistics in countries where vaccination has progressed the most. In the United Kingdom, more than one-fifth of the population is now vaccinated. And during the last two months, the average number of new COVID 19 infections have decreased from around 50-60K, to 10-15K. Similarly in Israel (where almost half the population is vaccinated till now), the number of daily infections have declined from around 10K to approx. 3K.

full member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 146
February 17, 2021, 10:09:45 AM
I always avoid medicines and antibiotics but a vaccine AFAIK are bits of the virus itself. It would have some immediate symptoms but actually bring immunity against similar types of viruses.
I got my first dose of Oxford/Astrazenca vaccine yesterday. A night of fever and pain and now I'm back to normal.
Most of the covid 19 vaccines are giving immediate side effects and which is severe as well depends on the health condition of the people who is taking dosage but the efficiency of vaccines are getting reduced with the new strains and mutations so these are just for recovering the economy rather than saving the people I guess.
sr. member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 305
Pro financial, medical liberty
February 17, 2021, 05:20:31 AM
You can not transmit a disease.
There is no virus form a scientific point of view, it only exist in media, tel-lie-vision.
There is no covid "vaccine" as per dictionary or law point of view. Agreeing to become a remote controlled zombie is not a vaccinatin.
He is trying to save his private arse now, knows company gone already only a matter of time.
Someone who has changed his mind

For anyone who has not watched it
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1069
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
February 16, 2021, 05:47:19 PM
I always avoid medicines and antibiotics but a vaccine AFAIK are bits of the virus itself. It would have some immediate symptoms but actually bring immunity against similar types of viruses.
I got my first dose of Oxford/Astrazenca vaccine yesterday. A night of fever and pain and now I'm back to normal.
full member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 158
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
February 16, 2021, 11:48:43 AM
Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home: the terrible dying after vaccination
There, within four weeks after the first vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine Comirnaty, eight of 31 seniors, who suffered from dementia but were in good physical condition according to their age before the vaccination, died.

What is Comirnaty? It's the first time I heard about that Comirnaty Vaccine.

This incident, according to article, is pretty much not a consented vaccination done to the elderlies. "no detailed information about the novelty of this mRNA vaccine which has only conditionally been certified in the European Union have been provided." therefore this is some kind of unlawful incident that results to deaths, and should be dealt with by the police, though it seem that military was involve in this incident.

Brand name for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
The demented elderly were taken advantage of, "guinea pigs".

Based on the article, I agree, they are clearly been used as a research material (Guinea Pigs) in this scenario. Military were involved and maybe other big figures which clearly violates human rights.

Looking forward for the continuation of the article
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