OK, I will stoop down a few minutes today, this will be educational to a few creatures who can't believe they just can't hack it brain-wise:
Charity and mercy are good virtues. I thought it best to give you some reading assignments to improve your... well, you know what:
1. Read about sanctions done on China after the Tienanmen massacre. Despite those sanctions,, we know what happened to China- it is now the richest country in the world
It is becoming clear Russia is shouldering the sanctions very well like China did (because Russia already has a strong economy when the sanctions were done while China was just starting when it was sanctioned) Look at figures , not at propaganda by the Anglo-Zionist media like Bloomberg, etc. THe fact is, the EU countries are the ones showing depressed economy (0.2% decline in Germany but Russia grew by 0.8%). IN short, a strong country can grow espite WEstern sanctions, especially now that these countries are all imploding.
2. Of course, Sanctions can't be done now on China or the world will laugh. Why? REad about the assets and liabilities of the bankrupt WEStern countries. Their liabilities are far greater than their assets (read the Princeton studies that the US has $220 trillion unpaid liabilities vs its supposed $17 trillion income). That's why their sanctions on Russia failed and its the EU countries which are showing signs of suffering. As analogy, a fat man may look he has money to buy food but he can be easily taken down suddenly by cardiac arrest.THe WEstern countries can always boast their padded GDP values but their mountainous debts made them insolvent that they are really very weak. (BTW, the latest sanction round is just a political move which is not what we thought it was: why? REad about it then think deeply. Clue: Russia won that round.).
China is the banker of the US, but China actually was the one who initiated its partnership with Russia to fight the bankrupt WEstern financial system (Li immediately visited Russia when he became the Chinese head). THe WEstern propaganda, mimicked by UKrainian comedians, that it can make it appear it can separate China from Russia won't work (the old "Divide and conquer" gimmick of the Anglo-Zionist empire). 3. Read about Intellectual Dishonesty
That means you're fooling yourself too much just to force reinforcement of your bias: I quote you (this is the primary proof of what's wrong how your brain works)..
They look at it from the point of US power being in decline, sigh sadly, and shrug their shoulders, thinking the only solution is to either work harder and do better, or accept our fate and let another superpower have the spotlight for a while. No one is proposing going to war with ChinaJUST SIGH SADLY? AS the Pope said, we are already in a World War, only it is being done piecemeal.If you have a computer, browse and count the wars going on around the world. You will discover everything has the
hand of the US there.
Why many wars? Why don't they just "shrug shoulder"? Or it because they are courting war because twice in history, the Anglo-Zionist faced bankruptcy and WW1 & WW2 broke out.
Now you know why I don't bother wasting my time with you. In a way, I'm imitating the cool style of my idol Putin. He knows the bankrupt US shadow players are using the UKrainian comedians to pull him into their suicide to solve their humiliation ( WW3) but Putin knows he can win anyway the financial war going on, so why bother? He can always use his military later on, and his enemies will be weaker after Russia & China are through with them.
While everybody has a right to debate, every fool can fool himself he can do it and I'm not a fool to waste my time on a fool
Good luck improving your IQ.What remains of Ukraine will need it.