SEEKING PROGRESS FROM THE COMATOSEThe noisy discussons here have become too parochial for me. It's obvious Putin wants Ukraine under its orbit and it's obvious he has already done so despite the fireworks on the ground. WE are dealing with blind emotions here and probably it's best to just let them implode with their insanity in time. What interests me is the swift developments within the imploding bankrupt WEstern countries themselves. The Ukraine fiasco is really becoming their Waterloo.
1. When Merkel toured the Baltic countries just before she visited Ukraine, she declared NATO won't station troops in the Baltic.
2. A week after that, Obama toured the Baltic and he declared NATO will station troops in the Baltic
3. Germany has been berating the FRench to stick to their deficit goals and the hard-up Frech are simply unable to do so. But now here comes the appointment of the new EU Finance Minister- Pierre Muscovici, the failed former Frech Socialist finance minister and clearly not a fan of the Germans, which described him as "not wise personnel decision"
4. Deutsche Bank today declared that the current economic bubble in the West, which is enriching the top 1% and destroying the poor and the middle-class, has to go on or the current global financial system collapses.Well, if the current global system is maintained by bubbles, this will only mean hardships for the 99% and we have seen how the EU voted in the last EU elections. People are mad. But since bubbles ultimately explode, does this mean the current global financial system will collapse soon?
Obviously, but the significant thing there is it's obvious the major economy in the EU, Germany, is finding itself marginalized, and being the only viable economy there, will it let itself be engulfed helplessly among the games of the losers around it?
Will it let itself be trampled by the biggest loser itself, the bankrupt US ($220 trillion liabilities out of $17 trillion GDP which is 75% consumption but the people can't consume much anymore as shown by the falling data of consumption due to increasing poverty as confirmed by findings that 1 out of 5 children are now in poverty?
The only remaining attribute of the old Western financial system is its convenience, structures in place. But the rich emerging countries don't need financing from them anymore, they are actually more liquid. But the convenient structures are now being installed by the new superpowers themselves. Russia & China just announced they will be building their own SWIFT system of interbank transaction. The birth of an alternative to the insolvent WEstern financial system is here.
That's what is funny with the UKraine fiasco- the UKrainians were allegedly seeking progress from the comatose. Guess who are the new vanguards of the more liquid world financial system which, at its birth, is already supported by half of the world's population?
Among them is... Well, Mother Russia.
I just need to add this...
BTW, this is the reason I called Putin very clever. Look how he used the Ukraine crisis not only to reshape the POst-Soviet space but that he has set into motion the collapse of its enemies, not only economically but militarily (the NATo countries are too hard up really, & they will have no chance whatsoever when the bubbles start bursting, inevitabl). He can regain everything now if he wants using the US declaration on Crimea: the Crimean independence is illegal because there was never a referendum in UKraine. Ergo UKraine is still part of Russia because the Russians never consented to let it go. Ergo so do the Baltics, Moldova & Georgia. I think, we can give the rest their independence, they remained friendly anyway.