My main sources of information are Russian and "Western" media. I use my Kiev sources to verify claims, and I know how to read Russian propaganda "between the lines." It's also easy to read a Russian report about something, see photos from, say, Poland that show that this report is untrue, and figure out that most likely everything is the Russian report is not happening.
did it ever occur to you that not everything is controlled by all-seeing czar putin?
Sure, but considering the censorship in Russia, the takedown of blogs, the violence against anyone who doesn't go along with the party propaganda, the assassinations of reporters... It's a bit hard to believe. Plus the vast majority of the news posted here have come from RT, which is most definitely NOT mythological "fifth column"
russians utterly dont care! russians are not as politicaly insane as ukrainians were made to be!
Now THAT I know. It's actually quite a tragedy. Russians generally believe politics is stuff best left to politicians, and don't care to be involved with it, or what their politicians are doing. Which leaves their politicians to rob them of their wealth and freedom. When the Nazi government was burning people in ovens, Germans generally didn't care either, but at least now they admit that not caring was a huge mistake. Likewise, Ukraine really cares about their politics and politicians, and that's why they deposed Yanukovich when he started to rule Russian style, by stealing Ukrainians' wealth and freedoms, and is probably why Russian government freaked out about the protests so much, not wanting Russians to depose them for doing the same thing.