In reading the propaganda of the Evil Empire of Bankrupt WEstern States, don't forget they rely on too much Hollywood Special Effects... They are busy pretending to be powerful so you can't see they are imploding into poverty. Shock & Awe, remember? Well, that is so passe. We are in a time when their Propaganda has become a banal comedy. You still get laughs though!!!
They can't make their current bankruptcy & unstoppable collapse go away with special effects, however!
I read your post & I cannot laugh over a children being in need, period. Looking at the graph I understand Russia has no children at all? However, I know a lot of friends adopted Russian children in need here in Italy; so, maybe Russia is so good at statistics because embellish them by exporting her children in need to foreign countries?
LOL, it just shows the desperation, IQ is not a prerequisite in recruiting trolls for the Evil Empire of Bankrupt Western States.
just to help you increase your IQ: Russia feels more confident now so much so that it has stopped adoption of Russian children in the US in retaliation for the hypocritical Magnitsky law. Everybody wants Russian kids because they are beautiful. Can't blame them.
Well, if there are still some in Italy, it was probably because it thought Italy was friendly , Russia certainly is richer than Italy, but Russia understands that some countries want to improve their genes and they always need blonde hairs. Russia can always deny them if they insist on becoming clowns like the bankrupt Americans though