
Topic: Don't Mess with Messiahs - page 6. (Read 3610 times)

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Activity: 378
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July 04, 2014, 09:55:02 AM
Damn those children, what right do they have to want to live in a country that is not killing them.  OH you righties want this country to be the same as the 3rd world countries these children are coming from. Yep our hate abortion republicans say just send them back to be murdered.
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July 04, 2014, 09:51:10 AM
Which of you  can claim one single person who does NOT think that the flood of illegal immigrants, refugees, whatever label you want to give them, pouring across the border is NOT a problem?   That's the accusation, either said or implied, that I keep reading here. 

The president sure as hell knows it's a problem....he has deported more than any previous modern president, including George W. Bush ...est. nearly 2 million.  He HAS "tightened security"...again, beyond anything any previous president did.    The sitting on their thumbs Congress sure as hell knows it's a problem.  They just won't do anything except squirm on their thumbs and blame it on the president.

Enough with the Dream Act blaming.  It was a common sense, compassionate, humane solution to path to citizenship for those under-30s who have been here since childhood and know nothing else except for all intents they ARE Americans.  That it started a false rumor mill in Central America is no one's fault except the rumor-spreaders.   

The president is doing all he can within the constraints of the executive.  HE CAN'T ALLOCATE THE MONEY to "militarize the border" by phone or pen, HE CAN'T PASS THE LAWS - some of these are international law -  HE CAN ONLY FOLLOW THEM, AND HE CAN ONLY SIGN THEM after they are passed by the congress.   Nothing has been passed, and word is nothing will be.   HELLO???

If he takes further exec order action, you'll howl.  If he doesn't, you'll howl.   Either shut the fuck up or get down to the border and start, women, teens and kids.    You first.

So sick of this useless carping, just to carp.
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Activity: 994
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July 04, 2014, 09:43:03 AM
Maybe the right can tack this to their 'end the war in Iraq' platform? I'm sure Romney promising to end the war and close the border will be so much more convincing than Hillary promising to end the war and close the border.
Yeah, I get all that.  But in the present, there are real kids being dumped here, not to mention real diseases and riff raff slipping in behind them. 

Someone in DC has to be grown up leader for once, which the Prez could actually try and perhaps have something other than a list of disasters  on his record.  He could start by getting off the golf course and actually working with Boehner and Reid to amend this bill now.  That much at least could be done. 

Enough with him whining and casting insults on minions he expects to deliver his druthers up to him on a silver platter.    He is an incompetent pompous ass who will do nothing to solve the problems he creates. 
Politicians provide political solutions, which in this case amounts to more bullshit piled on top of the last pile of bullshit we bought. The border needs to be militarized and closed. Period. There isn't a politician on earth with the nads, and we can continue to watch as we become part of the third world. 
Not necessarily true.  It's being done successfully in AZ:
While the federal government may have people worried that there is almost nothing that can be done to stop the flow of illegal-immigrant children crossing the border, newly released figures from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency seem to suggest otherwise. The more than 52,000 kids who illegally crossed America’s southwestern border in Fiscal Year 2014 through June 15 represent a 99 percent increase over the number of unaccompanied alien children crossing during the same period last year, and the Rio Grande Valley sector alone has seen an increase of nearly 180 percent.

But the Tucson, Ariz., sector has seen 4 percent fewer kids illegally crossing this fiscal year compared with last. That might be because Tucson has more Border Patrol agents working in its sector than any other sector on the southern border, leading the next closest station by more than 1,000 agents. (The staffing comparison is as of FY 2013, but according to the Tucson Sector’s website, there are currently even more agents, 4,200 in total, working on the sector.)

And Tucson’s drop is startling when considering the record high number of children crossing from Central America. The number of illegal-immigrant children from Honduras who have entered the country thus far in Fiscal Year 2014 includes 2,324 more kids than came during the previous five fiscal years combined. In those five fiscal years, Honduras produced an average of approximately 2,541 illegal-immigrant children per year, and fewer than 1,000 kids came to the U.S. during two of those years; more than 15,000 have arrived this year.

While the number of illegal-immigrant children crossing in the Tucson sector has dropped, the federal government has decided to ship illegal-immigrant children there anyway. The feds transported nearly 1,000 illegal-immigrant kids to Tucson and Phoenix during the first week of June alone, according to CNN.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
July 04, 2014, 09:34:59 AM
Maybe the right can tack this to their 'end the war in Iraq' platform? I'm sure Romney promising to end the war and close the border will be so much more convincing than Hillary promising to end the war and close the border.
Yeah, I get all that.  But in the present, there are real kids being dumped here, not to mention real diseases and riff raff slipping in behind them. 

Someone in DC has to be grown up leader for once, which the Prez could actually try and perhaps have something other than a list of disasters  on his record.  He could start by getting off the golf course and actually working with Boehner and Reid to amend this bill now.  That much at least could be done. 

Enough with him whining and casting insults on minions he expects to deliver his druthers up to him on a silver platter.    He is an incompetent pompous ass who will do nothing to solve the problems he creates. 
Politicians provide political solutions, which in this case amounts to more bullshit piled on top of the last pile of bullshit we bought. The border needs to be militarized and closed. Period. There isn't a politician on earth with the nads, and we can continue to watch as we become part of the third world. 
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
July 04, 2014, 09:23:10 AM
Maybe the right can tack this to their 'end the war in Iraq' platform? I'm sure Romney promising to end the war and close the border will be so much more convincing than Hillary promising to end the war and close the border.
Yeah, I get all that.  But in the present, there are real kids being dumped here, not to mention real diseases and riff raff slipping in behind them. 

Someone in DC has to be grown up leader for once, which the Prez could actually try and perhaps have something other than a list of disasters  on his record.  He could start by getting off the golf course and actually working with Boehner and Reid to amend this bill now.  That much at least could be done. 

Enough with him whining and casting insults on minions he expects to deliver his druthers up to him on a silver platter.    He is an incompetent pompous ass who will do nothing to solve the problems he creates. 
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
July 04, 2014, 09:20:05 AM
Maybe the right can tack this to their 'end the war in Iraq' platform? I'm sure Romney promising to end the war and close the border will be so much more convincing than Hillary promising to end the war and close the border.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
July 04, 2014, 09:15:24 AM
I thought the border was the most secure it's ever been under O Joke, who takes credit for it.  Isn't that what socialists tell us?
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
July 04, 2014, 09:13:01 AM
I think both parties are playing kabuki theater with immigration.  Not only do they both have their $special intere$t$, but the electorate is all over the map. 
I think though, when most people see a literal flood of kids coming over like this, it becomes a whole 'nother thing.  We are talking about an invasion of our borders with kids as pawns.  It is just unacceptable and political it is going to be far more damning for Obama/Dems because they have been blowing so much smoke about border security and because we just can't handle this crisis on top of so many others.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
July 03, 2014, 02:01:50 PM
More like the problem with government. You really think anyone in the government is interested in more than paying lip service to this?

and, why on earth would they be?
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
July 03, 2014, 01:36:40 PM
First here is a piece that chops up Obama's broken record narcissistic whining titled "Don't Mess with Messiahs",  and boy is it ever
Obama also seems oddly to forget that when he promised to use his pen and phone to run things by his lonesome, nearly everyone took him at his word. And so he tried just that. What Obama is now angry about is not partisanship per se, but that his own partisanship and subversion of settled law have been repudiated consistently by both the Supreme Court and the American public. Were Obama’s poll ratings at 60 percent, and were the Supreme Court upholding his pen-and-phone governance, and were the Democrats on the verge of winning back their long-lost supermajority in the Senate and taking back the House, then Obama would hardly be decrying partisanship, the media, the Tea Party, or Republicans in general. “Messing” with Obama means not being convinced that his record has helped America.

So his blubbering in the Rose Garden this time was over no comprehensive immigration reform bill from the House which is a big "no duh" since the GOP can read polls:
The public wants real border security, which of course Obama has been claiming all this time the GOP has been demogoguing for no good reason except they hate brown people, as that blather is now blowing up in his face.  The fact of the matter is that if the House passed the Senate bill, it would do exactly nothing to fix this problem (shades of Obamacare passed to cover 30 million uninsured only to result in spending trillions to still leave 30 million uninsured).   


The real reason Obama is sitting with this time bomb in his lap is because of a law, sponsored by none other than Dem Feinstein, which is making it virtually impossible to process these kids in a timely here   One very easy step, which would likely pass with little resistance on the part of the GOP, would be to amend it to streamline sending these kids back.
What is needed is a change in the law to allow the government to treat children from Central America the same as children from Mexico. "We ought to have the same protocols that we have for Mexico and Canada for the Central American countries," said Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar last week. "Forty-eight hours — we should return them."
That sounds hopeful, although the wording is vague and Obama's intention unclear. But it raises the hope that president might actually help Congress find a solution — if he can take time away from scheming to run around the very lawmakers he needs to fix the problem.

The problem for Obama, as always, is that he has key $upporter$ who want these illegals to come...and stay.
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