I am failing to see that anyone other than markm is able to actually sell dvc on Stellar? please correct me if I am wrong and walk me through it otherwise dvc cannot be advertising Stellar as a SELLING platform for dvc.
Fuzzy, I think we can't deposit nor withdraw DVC coins in there, as I understand those are the DVC Tokens, and you can buy and sell them but you can't take them out to your DVC wallet and vice-versa. I don't know if I'm getting it right but that's what I understand about the interstellar network. I have bought and sell some of those tokens but to take them out you have to convert them into LTC or any other coin.
You can contact markm and he will take your DVC tokens at his stellar address and send you blockchain devcoins into your DVC wallet. 1:1 ration of Stellar DVC tokens/DVC. I coordinated with him on the keybase.io chat by direct messaging him at "knotwork" because keybase has a built in wallet for Stellar and its tokens.
Also Stellar is an open network, good place for DVC to move in and out of as it builds up value per each unit. Not about dollars anymore.
Why would anyone exchange dvc coins for dvc tokens which can be minted at will? Unless I’m wrong about that. This sounds like fractional reserve banning to me.