Oh and to who-ever thought setting up a penny auction script would be worth 45 shares you are crazy, this has been easy so far, probably even easier than writing a thousand words.
Heh yea it has been easy so far but remmeber that bounty proposal was for all the work involved including getting the stuff you need to buy and put on the site, and insuring the dropshipping stuff is in place... aswell as coinpayments aswell as changing the theme and any other small changes before the site is operational.. not to forget initial marketing.. I think the development part is easier than we thought however! Thats great... I've been using ICPennyBid and its pretty nice to use, functional, all the pages work. You can see in realtime your bid, and your balance of bids decreasing... and see a history of all bidders for the item (last 10 or so bids)... so I will grab the source for it and put it on my github... mark maybe put it up on your hosting next to the current one so everyone can compare interfaces?
The ebay guy emailed me back saying there are bugs in the source and to look elsewhere, however the interface is pretty friggen sweet so I asked him to partner up and release it open source to the benefit of all. See what he says.