You need a certain number of bids on any given item just to break even on that item, so you need to know how much traffic you can drive how fast and how much of it statistically will actually bid - or even be able to bid if it takes a while for them to read all about it decide they want to buy some bids go get the right kind of cash to buy bids with, have it confirmed enough times on its blockchain, and still manage to get in a bid before the auction closes.
Maybe a lot of lead time would be good, like have the first feature of the site be the ability to buy bids, with the knowledge the first auction will be in a month, or in 90 days or whatever, with the price of bids going up constantly as the time of the first auction approaches and a foreknowledge of what things will be up for auction based on how many bids have been sold by the time the actual auctions go live.
Day one, wow, we only just started, buy bids today for only X coins, if in 90 days when the auctions open at least Y bids have sold a share of devcoins (worth 1000 words or 40 hours of work, truly, check out our page about devcoin shares) will be the first auction!
Day two, wow, we already sold so many bids we already know one share of devcoin distribution will be the first auction, that is only 89 days from now folks! Today bids cost X2 each and if by the time auctions go live we have sold Y2 total bids then the second auction will be for one share of devcoins and three links from relevant Devtome articles to articles of your own in your own blog, though notice of course (see link) that if you were yourself a Devtome author links from the Devtome would be a perk to you so we are also throwing in twenty thousand GeistGeld, ten thousand CoiLedCoin, five thousand GRouPcoin, two thousand I0Coin, one thousand IXCoin, one hundred NaMeCoin and fifty milliBiTCoins!
Day three, wow, check out how work on the site is progressing! Plus we sold so many bids yesterday that we already know the third auction is going to be for two shares of devcoin distribution, one whole bitcoin, ten whole namecoins, one thousand IXCoins, five thousand I0Coins, ten thousand GRouPcoins, twenty thousand CoiLedCoins, fifty thousand GeistGeld, full setup of a dedicated server running all the merged mined coins so you can merged mine all eight merged mined coins using p2pool, and the first month's hosting fee for that server! Today bids cost X3 and if we sell at least Y3 the fourth auction will be .... etc etc etc...
Probably 90 days is much more realistic a lead time than pretending we will be fully ready for the first auction in only one month.
Also maybe even once auctions start they can always be determined well in advance like that and based on number of bids already sold, so that the site always has up front in advance all the wealth required to buy all the things that have been scheduled to be auctioned in the future.
Those are all good ideas and there is no limit to what are imaginations will allow us to conjure up... by allowing other crypto coins to be sold, it will open up another alley of possible sales, and someone can take charge of those auctions. This way there is no drop shipping etc etc, its totally legal for us. So offer to buy coins, ofcourse the end user gets them at discounts but we make profit since if we sell 1 bitcoin it would take X amounts of bids, and we would get Y amount of bids, it is highly likely that Y > X, because X is not that much compared to the total value of a bitcoin.
Either way if we allocate shares for this, like I said worsed case the things go for free, just like we are giving shares to writers today, we are not earning anything on that, so atleast we have the "possibility of earning today" by allowing auctions bring in profits. These are instant profits or losses we can see today and not wait years for ad revenue to "maybe" pick up on devtome, who knows if it will or wont happen, but I think once we realize how profitable an actual business is funded by devcoin that it will be the direction of growth for future projects.