I think some of you took the wrong idea from "running out of content".
The point is that authors should not be getting shares of mined bitcoins, they should be paid from the advertising revenues earned by the Devtome site.
The "run out of content" idea is basically that if we take away the constant massive throwing of outlandishly high amounts of coin at Devtome, letting it work like it is supposed to work, which is by having ads on it and using the revenue it earns from the ads to BUY DeVCoins on markets and pay the authors with THOSE DeVCoins, NOT with freshly minted DeVCoins, then we might find that people spend less time thinking up drivel to post to Devtome, resulting in Devtome running out of content DUE TO the authors failing to produce revenue-generating content thus failing to get paid thus possibly, maybe, according to some theories, no longer providing content.
I do not think it need happen that way for certain though, because other things could happen, gosh knows exactly what but suppose being published on Devtome was a valued privilege, maybe people would even pay to have their material published there or something.
But there does seem at a glance a chance that maybe if authors ONLY got paid what their articles ACTUALLY EARN BY ADS, a whole lot less "content" would be produced...
And that might make DeVCoins go up in exchange rate DUE TO less idiots who do not value the coins they get because they get them for work they consider value-less, to wit the posting of drivel to Devtome, having coins to dump for low prices.
In short, maybe if the minted coins went to people who value them instead of to people who are getting insane out of line massive amounts of them for pretty much doing nothing, or for promoting themselves and their ideas on someone else's bandwidth-and-hosting bill, they wouldn't get thrown away dirt cheap on the exchanges all the damn time.
(The fact that authors dump their coins cheap is probably at least partly due to them getting too many coins for too little work thus not valuing the coins highly.)
This is what I have been saying aswell.. and the notion that devcoin will rise when devtome rises is pegging devcoin on the hopes of devtome, when it should be the other way around. Devtome will rise if devcoin rises, so when more people want devcoins they will write on devtome. (Is this the devtome project or devcoin? Are we a writing based project? Initial vision was for development, writing came secondary)
We have it the wrong way around right now. If we pay for software and hardware bounties, and they get done, then slowly devcoin will be more appealing, as more people write less drible because they want to "own" devcoins then the revenue generated by ads will be higher and an exponential cycle kicks off. Right now when the cycle starts the devtome writers are quick to dump, so no secondary buyers can sustain 180 million devcoin monthly for a sustained rise. If the writers got less, and developers got more there would be less dumping because I know for sure developers would not dump as much because they are working to "own" rather than to "sell" to bitcoins. I havent sold 1 devcoin since I owned any especially those I have earned through my software. I value it much higher, even though technically it is being held back.
Another thing when it comes to purposeful writing seems writers are nowhere to be found, if we have good writers atleast we can put them to good use and write some good documentation for our software manuals/tests so that we may attract others. The readme's in github, the verification tests, the general documentation that I suck at being a developer where a writer would flourish should be taken advantage of. Instead of categorized dribble we should leverage it to its advantages, pay for good work.