Perhaps you can start by describing how exactly it should work.
Thank You for fast and accurate answer.
Now that's what I was thinking about:
Devcoin bounties are (afaik, don't forget I'm new...) paid in two ways:
A - "In hand": transferred from a wallet, already mined, and "old" coins.
B - shares: mined (those are coins in the future, not yet mined)
I'm talking about those "old" coins (point A):
(and I'm talking for myself, please don't feel offended)
- instead of hoarding them/sit on them/fatten my bottom/... I'd like to let the money work, so I could give them to a trust/fund/... backed by the Devcoin Admins
- this fund should (under transparent mono-cephalic administration repaid from profit) invest/trade/"produce" some value with this fund.
(This is the most sensitive part, and I'm new in this community, but I've read and there are a few thrifty individuals here that certainly know more than me how to grow a bunch of coins...)
- if quick bounties are needed - those are money "at hand" (refilled from future shares)
- If large volume bounties are needed: more than could be mined during some project, this fund might also be welcome...
- It's manager could also implement some coherent policy (sell to distribute coin for usage, buy to rise the price...) established at the Admin level or by shareholder's vote (already in place...)
- Other benefits I'm not enough educated to see, derived from managing a large volume of money...
If this would help and would exist, I'd gladly give it my DVCs, instead of selling too low or throwing them into the basement...
Thanks again for the patience