I will likely be able to scrape up 50K worth of cash, and I do have valuable mechanical and electrical knowledge...
Then you are valuable to me.
Also no need to get your wife and kids Uruguay citizenship. And you don't want to make your kids citizens of Uruguay because there is mandatory military service for every young adult citizen of any S.A. nation.
Instead, your wife and kids can easily apply for dual citizenship of the Philippines. Thus they will have 2nd passports and thus can resist any dictates of the Australian government. As for yourself (not your wife and kids), shoot for the Dominica citizenship for $100,000 (or roughly $135,000 complete with all attorney's fees). Then you don't need to hassle with Spanish language tests nor the 3 year wait. Or if you prefer, then Paraguay since you don't need to reside there for the 3 year wait (you could do both, residency in Paraguay to get the clock ticking and shoot for Dominica). Peru is only 2 years but you must reside there 6 months a year. I don't particularly want to reside in Peru, but I might check it out.
Since your wife and kids have Aussie passports, then you can get them into an S.A. country. Later if ever they had to renounce their Aussie citizenships (hopefully not!), you could get them a visa, because they'd already have established themselves in S.A..
If you can amass even $25,000 to invest by Spring 2016, then you should be able to reach that $135,000 goal by 2017 or 2018. If you can align yourself with wealthier expats to continue to earn, perhaps you can reach that goal sooner, maybe by late 2016 or early 2017. Hold your cash in $usd not Aussie dollars if you can.
If you have valuable mechanical and electrical knowledge, then I suspect you can easily earn money on these S.A. ranches, because importing parts is so expensive so it is much better to repair them. I also have some mechanical and electrical knowledge, but I can't do everything (I'm already overloaded with TODO list and I will need to stop commenting here on this forum). Also if you can be a mechanic for vehicles that is another plus (I used to do it, but haven't since my 20s). I am more valuable as a programmer.
You can imagine we will need our own backup solar or micro hydopower system for backup electricity. Wells and water pumps. Etc.. All sorts of stuff that requires maintenance. Even the weapons need to be cleaned and tested periodically.
Also if I can attain wealth again (which is likely), I would be very much willing to pay a salary for a male who would be a maintenance man and security manager for any ranch I might purchase or rent. And very likely we would find other wealthy expats who want to join in our ranch and help share costs. If we live on a ranch in Argentina for example, we do not need to become residents and subjected to their tax system. We can stay there as tourists indefinitely even while owning and developing a ranch if we so choose. And if we have 2nd passports, it is very unlikely our 5 Eyes country can get us sent home. We have several last resort options at that point:
- renounce the 5 Eyes citizenship if ever it becomes necessary (hopefully not)
- renounce both the 5 Eyes and the Dominica citizenship and fall under the protection of the UN Convention for Stateless Persons (host country can not kick us out)
- give birth to a child on S.A. soil, thus the child becomes an immediate citizen and the parents are also so protected against deportation and can apply for immediate citizenship
With a few like minded expats and our families, we can easily set up a paradise in one of these S.A. countries or even a Pacific island and ride out the coming bad years and properly defend it. I get along well with the sarcasm and joking of the Aussies. I have an Australian friend I've known from my Manila travails in the early 1990s.
For perimeter early warning system we can set up a fenced corridor to keep out animals and run laser sensors which detect any intruder crossing the path. Thus we can easily be warned and respond to an intruder. Then we need only a few guys armed with AR-15 to deter any intruders. Better also is a tower with a sniper's rifle, scope, and night vision, and warning shots to the lower extremities using rubber bullets. Perhaps also an escape vehicle that has been bullet proofed. These days you bullet proof with a light weight material:
http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2013/10/01/bulletproof-chevrolet-camaro-provides-performance-and-protection/http://www.texasarmoring.com/armored_vehicle_bulletproofing_materials.htmltrollercoaster, you simply need to become friends with wealthy who own a ranch. Perhaps you could even do that now in Australia and avoid needing to create a business. And/or you can come (or send your wife and kids to) Philippines to work on their dual citizenship paperwork.
As for education for your kids, sounds like we have a community need if we have several expats and their families. Maybe we need our own small school and then we can dictate the education. Would be great if one of the wives is an elementary school teacher or has the ability to be one. She can teach the other females to help out. By the time they reach middle school or high school, we will have found suitable options.
What you think?