I am bothered by second guessing myself about whether I am rational about the severity of the coming problems in the world.
For example the recent discussion between trollercoaster and myself, wherein it is about him pulling up roots from a very first-class lifestyle country (Australia) with contemplation of exchanging it for a lower lifestyle country and lower standard-of-living (although I will say I love the simple life, so a farm isn't necessarily lower standard-of-living from my perspective).
Will the world really get so totalitarian that it is necessary to make such radical changes to our lives?
One would tend to think that society will get pushed to a certain point and then society will change or demand adjustments because people all over the world don't want to live in some sort of totalitarian hell.
Yet we have examples from history where society went F.U.B.A.R.. For example WW1 and then later WW2 were essentially due to the European socialism that resulted trying to resist the technological unemployment of the Second Industrial Revolution (mass production and the end of cottage industry).
Sound familiar?
We are repeating the same. Europe is resisting the technological unemployment of the Second Computer Revolution (aka internet and Knowledge Age) by increasing socialism to sustain old engrained patterns (of the baby boomers).
Nature cleans out the old to make way for the new, and when the old refuses to adjust nature cleans it out with the necessary force.
Unfortunately boomers and socialists will not change. They'd rather die than give up their humanistic ideas. They firmly believe theirs was the righteous.
Ideological fanaticism is what drives horrific outcomes. We have that in spades at this juncture...
Edit: on the way up the debt mountain, everyone goes out of their way to relieve hardship and the brutal realities of nature. On the way down the debt cliff, it is a free fall into the brutality of nature. Communities which didn't eat the poison and remained self-reliant pull together. Communities that ate the poison spin apart into brutal chaos. Communities of tough love remain functional and compassionate. Communities of free love diverge into dysfunction and brutality.
You were asking why Europeans support socialism and feminism... It is because they are humanists; feminism can be thought of as the culmination of humanist thought...
Karl Marx's own definition of Humanism reads:
"Humanism is the denial of God, and the total affirmation of man... Humanism is really nothing else but Marxism"
Anyway, I'm sure many other Europeans will explain the general zeitgeist here too.
Let's do a Steve Jobs and be brutally frank.
feminism = hedonism.
I've noticed how much Westerners are getting a thrill from teaching two women to eat each other's pussies.
I think Nordic Europeans support feminism because it enables them to justify fucking non-virgins and then the hedonistic dominoes from there.
It also frees the men from the obligation to raise children, if they can convince the women they are more powerful if they don't bear children.
I've noticed here in the Philippines, the females are vehemently anti-abortion and anti-birth control. It is very, very difficult to get them to take birth control pills and they are not that happy about using a condom. These are real women who want to have the real happiness of bearing children and raising a family. My own mother criticizes me when I don't force the women I am involved with to use birth control pills!
Europe has entered decadent Frankenstein mode and the USA is following close behind.
I am not trying to be a moral dogmatic oppressor here. I know any of us can be influenced as we are human, but the thing is that once a man prefers to get happiness more from hedonism than from family, then the culture is broken. The society will collapse into an abyss.
And this is precisely what is happening to Europe.
How does a mother who has become bisexual raise her daughter and son
(not my mother)
Sorry I am fairly open minded person and I've explored many things in life, but I can tell you there is a major difference between the gf I have now and some of the Western women. My gf values dogs, children, family. She could easily be a hedonistic queen given her D breasts and very attractive face (not to mention brown skin), but she is humble and wants the things that really make happiness.
Those Europeans who support feminism are insatiable. They want to steal and have everything. They don't want any natural limits on society. They want that man is superior to nature. Why should a woman be limited to sex with only a man or a human? She can fuck a pet monkey and that is more freedom. Why must she bear children. It is better we educate the women to fuck more people, sexes, and things and have more freedom! It isn't enough for her to undress and fondle herself on a webcam, instead the men want her to pee and insert objects into every orifice.
And that is why they've run their debt sky high. And they can not change their system. They are addicted.
Regarding the Trump discussion (and resurgence in Republicans in general), I have concluded the winner will be...
...the military-industrial complex.
Right on time with MA's War Cycle, which expects war and pandemic to start going hot in 2017 and really accelerating into 2018.
We'll get the increased military spending. The reduced taxes won't matter because the world is going to be so fucked by the rising interest rates and War Cycle, that no one will be able to avail of the opportunities to start businesses in the tangible industrial age economy.
The Knowledge Age doesn't give a shit about the taxes any way, since they will be 0 for the anonymous internet coming.
A global smashup ahead. Trump card doesn't change anything and if anything this lurch back to the hard right politics accelerates it.
Now we see why the USA must break apart into regions as MA predicts. It is because the morass can not be changed from WA D.C. After 2017, the Americans will start to realize they have to take matters into their own hands.
The Feds will fight the militias. The country will break into parts. The world will be a much different place.
Crazy world we are heading into. Be prepared accordingly.
Edit: Rand Paul alludes to Trump being beholden to special interests. That Trump is loudly declaring that he isn't, is probably telling us that he is. Of course he knows he can't win without playing ball with powerful interests. He openly admits the realities of leverage. Trump is obviously willing to appease the NSA and military-complex in order to go after hard-nosed trade deals. He will appear to be a populist but is a wolf in sheepskin.
Trump represents a rise of fascist-capitalism in the USA. He is not talking about printing money the way the German socialists did, but instead it will be a hard lurch towards a brutal economic default coupled with military imperialism fully bankrupting Rome. As with Rome, the barbarians will later be at the gates of Rome and overrun it.
In fact, we need free trade and free markets. Rising protectionism is what lead to WW2. Trump is a very bad result for us.