Aside the tourist attraction that is being implemented it's the first of it kind to launch a bitcoin bond and of which is coming up anytime sooner before the end of the year, now i see why it's been said of successful people to have been taking extra steps and going extra miles just to achieve their goals, Bukele in this is trying to manage it way through, knowing fully that he was warned by IMF to withdraw bitcoin as a legal tender which he couldn't, and ever since then, luck has always been on El-Savador's side even when they enter into it and the price goes dip but still maintain the economy.
Obviously if you noticed the steps El-Savador has been taking were first of it kind in the space of bitcoin and cryptocurrency at large, i see the tourist centre becoming a global centre for bitcoin activities such as conferences, exhibitions, business and digital economy trade center, bitcoin monument center along side with the tourism and which could be an added advantage to boost their economy the more.