It happened to my mom too which makes it worse
I didn't want to take responsibility for them. She made a super long complicated password, wrote it down, and a year later we come back to look at it and it has 2 symbols that are either a "t" or an "r" a symbol that is either a "6" or a "b" a third symbol which is either a "1" a "I" or a "l" and an "!" which might be ".'"
You're welcome to try my new script (but you'd probably be the first to do so... Revalin is well trusted, and it's easy to see that his scripts aren't doing anything unexpected. Although my script is also viewable as just a text file, unless you're a Python programmer you'd be trusting me at least a little, some dude on the net you've never met...)
Anyways, if you'd like to try it, download the scripts from here:
btcrecover download. These are Python scripts, so you also need to install Python, instructions are here:
Installation requirements for Bitcoin-qt wallets. You just need Python, the other two libraries are optional for Bitcoin-qt.
Once the scripts file is unzipped, you'll need three files in the same folder as the script: the wallet.dat file, a file (created with Notepad) named "token.txt" that just contains the password as best as you can tell, and another (Notepad) file that lists out which letters to try swapping for which others called "typos.txt" which should look something like this:
r t
6 b
1Il 1Il
! .
This just means that wherever there's an 'r' in the original password, try it with both the original 'r' but also with a 't' instead, and so on (there's a space between those two letters in that file). Actually it might be better to do this:
tr tr
6b 6b
1Il 1Il
!. !.
That way every 't' and every 'r' in the original is tried both as-is and swapped, and every '1', 'I', and 'l' is tried as-is and swapped with the other possibilities on the right, etc.
Then you need open a command prompt and try something like this:
cd c:\Downloads\btcrecover-directory
c:\Python27\python --wallet wallet.dat --tokenlist token.txt --typos-map typos.txt --typos-capslock --typos-swap --typos-delete --typos 3
I added on three other types of checks (--typos-capslock --typos-swap --typos-delete); you can keep them, get rid of them if you don't think they'd help, or add other ones (complete list of different typos is here:
different types of typos). Finally, that last option (--typos 3) is how many typos, at most, to try in any single guess. The higher it is, and the more of those different types of typos you add, the longer it will take...
Good luck.