I'm thinking that it will be from the EU/CIS region that will take that last chance qualifier. We will see.
I also think the same, those two plus the CN region have the best chance of securing the final two spots.
Congratulations to Team Spirit, well, they've proven that they're the best on this major. What an intense yet looking easy for them to beat the triggered PSG.LGD.
I guess LGD really were triggered and they were out of focus as they're always like the best on the group stages and playoffs and always chokes at the grand finals.
Wow! Unbelievable! That was a very great performance by Team Spirit over the always odds favorite PSG LGD. Team Spirit is a whole new different level just in time when TI is only a few months away. And who saw that TORONTOTOKYO's all caps "HATERS WHERE ARE YOU NOW?" just before they entered LGD's gates to deliver its final blow? That was funny.
And just as EG and Outsiders barely made it into the top 12 for an automatic TI invite. I have here the most painful award, and it goes to Fnatic.
Peace Fnatic fans, I can feel the pain with that 0.05 DPC points differential.
Btw, have you seen the dpc points for Fnatic? It seems that the dota 2 leaderboard shows that they're the ones qualified and up by a few points for TI and not Outsiders.
Still waiting for some official announcement from Valve.
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