Rooting for Aster this series because I believe that the match will be more hyped if Ame and Monet encounter each other in the grand finals. They have been rivals a few years back for gaining that top carry spot in the Chinese Dota Scene. Both players are mechanically gifted, and their talents are only limited by their teammates. If you have teammates like xinqiu and y` doing a lot of work to make your game a lot easier, you'll stand out as a carry because your farm is not hindered and you can respond to fights well because you have the tools needed to make things work. Boboka is stepping up his 4 position game on a lot of pubs and we're seeing it on Arlington major. If he plays his A-game and be a nuisance to Ame and y`, they'll have a huge chance in gaining the upper hand since Monet likes to have sustainable carries that can be left alone and still get the cs he needs.
Going for a safe over 2.5 Aster vs Team Spirit but I'm liking the chances of Aster in this match up.
I may have lost the Aster ML but I won the over 2.5 maps. Overall I just watched the series and there are a lot of things that Team Spirit did well on this match-up, specially on game 3. Clutch silences on Monet's Troll Warlord is, IMO, what cost the game for Aster. Team Spirit's use of utility is top notch, and Collapse's positioning as Mars is as good as it can get on this game. They literally provided no opening for Aster on the 3rd game whatsoever, and even though I lost my bet, I had fun watching these two teams battling it out.
Up next is PSG.LGD vs Team Spirit. We all have our biases on this finals because of the two team's previous performances. Also, this is the last series before we head on to the Internationals season, so better get your bets lined up!