Anyone bet on Fnatic v BOOM? I have my bet on Fnatic winning the entire series and so far so good. So-so odds but BOOM's play in Game 1 is quite shaky. This game 2 I don't like Fnatic's pick relying heavily ln pick offs and single target kills against BOOM's AOE lineup. As expected, mid game is rough for Fnatic but if Armel and Raven can hold off and just farm, they can easily win against BOOM's squishy lineup.
Update: sick save by Jackyy on Tims in the rosh pit. Now that's Div 1 SEA for you!
Edit: idk why I typed T1 lol. Must have been really tired to do that
Boom won and they're now going to Stockholm with Fnatic.
Not really a big match I think because Fnatic was already secured with the Stockholm Major and now both of them are now on the list. The crucial part is on T1 and Polaris.
Polaris has no longer any match left while T1 has still a match with Fnatic.
If Fnatic loses, nothing to lose.
If Fnatic wins, nothing to win.
If T1 wins, are they going to switch that 3rd slot on Stockholm major from Polaris through points, right?