SO I've figured out what's been causing some weird crashing on my rigs. Some rigs have smaller SSDs (32GB). With the DAG files from Ethash this is bumping right up against the disk space limit (1.0.
It seems as though ethminer does not gracefully handle running out of diskspace. When it does, some weird things start happening. The miner just hard locks with no output or sometimes the whole OS will lock. Since there is a small pagefile on the disk, this could be a combination of pagefile access, new dag file generation, and/or the OS trying to add to the pagefile when there is literally no diskspace left. Since when a new dag file is generated it essentially uses 3x one dag file, this can consume a lot of space.
I originally thought this was a bad OC, but it doesn't appear to be the case. I have since fixed it by removing the pagefile on the disk, but since 1.1.3 isn't stable and has slightly lower hashrate I'm still running the older version.
Genoil consider adding the streaming dag as a option or original dag file generation back in as a option in the newer versions till streaming dags get ironed out.