they want to move the coins out of "their sponsorship" and then eventually lower the fee to then have others as agents managing a basket thus no coin associated with DCG to be bitten off in lawsuits.
but instead having agents basket managing coin where Grayscale live off the trade fee's
if DCG is showing as having $XXbillion assets locked in GBTC. it's ripe for picking
if DCG can offload its assets there is nothing to pick. it can also sell its other portfolios to other sister companies. so if/when gemini pull the trigger, DCG can just liquidate with a bankruptcy, only have to pay pennies on the dollar. and then ride the gravy train of income from share fee's, custodial fees via its separate entities
It sure as well could be the case that Grayscale has already calculated that no matter what possible financially viable course of action that they take, they are likely going to bleed a lot of their assets under management, but it likely does not mean that they would like to bleed those assets under management, but they may well have been putting themselves into a worse position if they had engaged more in the race to the bottom of fees race.
I would still expect that Grayscale may well be trying to calculate the maximum fees that they believe that they are able to receive to help to sustain them as long as they can, even if they continue to have ongoing legal battles.