The age of the earth and universe are scientifically deduced.
Which is exactly the same thing as proven when you use scientific methology... Unless we have wrong at least one fundamental principle of radiology and physics.
Exactly, this is what they don't fucking understand, ''deduced''. No shit, everything is deduced, however there is a difference when you use the scientific method and scientific evidence. They just can't admit these things are scientifically proven right now.
Scientific deduction is not necessarily accurate. Why not? Because many people, even scientists, suggest that scientific theories are fact, when it is only factually known that they are theories. They are known to not necessarily be fact when they are scientific theory.
Since evolution theory evolution (ETE) is known to be a scientific-theory/non-scientific-theory, it is known to not necessarily be factual... except that it is factually a theory. When it is proclaimed as fact more than factually a theory, it becomes a hoax. Since this is the way it is proclaimed - as fact beyond theory...
Evolution is a hoax.
I'm sorry mate but it doesn't matter if they are 100% accurate or not. No one claims that. Simply scientifically we know the age of the earth or the universe. ''it is known to not necessarily be factual'' Actually by scientific standards evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution explains the fact. So again you are wrong scientifically.
You could be wrong about god too, no? What's your point here?
From strict scientific views, scientists may be accurate, in both earth age and evolution. They may be totally saying that they aren't 100% sure, and that earth age and evolution are not necessarily factual.
The point is that both, earth age and evolution, are coming down to the general populace as factual. Somebody is presenting them is such a way that the populace in general will understand that they are factual. This is where the hoax lies.
Evolution is a hoax.
Regarding God, I can't be wrong about the existence of God. Why not? The fact that nobody comes even close to proving that God doesn't exist, yet many claim that God doesn't exist without proof, simply shows that they are setting themselves up as god. In fact, they might be some of the greatest god-believers, although they might mostly believe subconsciously.
The formal God believers have to go through a lot of scientific study, or they have to rely on what seems to be apparent. In their case, they are setting themselves up as gods with God... or is God setting them up gods with Himself? Psalm 82:6:
I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'
John 10:34:
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?