Evolution conception says that all living earthly creatures are a result of million years of surviving through body development due to various, changing environmental circumstances. So there's a logical conclusion that evolution is very, very slow process. Our bodies can't change significantly in one or even 10 generations. So where did u find a deception in evolution theory?)
Basically, this is quite a simple question to answer. The hoax part of evolution lies in people calling evolution a fact when they know that they don't know that evolution is a fact.
Evolution is not a slow process. Rather, the story of how evolution would work if it were a real thing shows a slow evolution process. And someone might be able to hypothesize a fast evolution process.
The fact that you express evolution as being a slow process, when it is not even known that evolution exists, shows that you believe, almost instinctively because of all the propaganda, that evolution is fact.
One of the simplest ways that we can tell that we don't know that evolution is fact, is to look at the words "evolution theory." Theory mans that it is not known in some ways at least.
Compare the two kinds of theory, evolution theory and gravity theory. We know that gravity exists, because we use it every day in millions of ways. But we don't know that evolution exists, because we don't have even one proof of it that shows that it is strictly evolution, and not something else.
There are some good proofs about evolution. I have been mentioned that human bodies can't change significantly and fast in one generation due to slow evolutionary processes. Multicellular organisms (including humans) are changing much more slowly than unicellular (bacteria e.g.). Very good and visual instance of human evolution is a so called "High-altitude adaptation". You can find further information at this link:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_adaptation_in_humansThe Model T evolved into other kinds of vehicles.
Adaptation/like-begets-like/simple-change fit the evidence as well as, or better than evolution fits.
Adaptation/like-begets-like/simple-change fit the evidence way better than evolution theory evolution (ETE)... ETE, which doesn't have any proof at all.
All the lack of fast change
"in one generation due to slow evolutionary processes. Multicellular organisms (including humans) are changing much more slowly than unicellular (bacteria e.g.). Very good and visual instance of human evolution is a so called "High-altitude adaptation". You can find further information at this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_adaptation_in_humans," fits adaptation/like-begets-like/simple-change at least as well as it fits ETE. So, why is it ETE?
Since ETE takes many generations, how do we know that it exists? We can't track the changes to claim proof.
The idea that animal A became animal B has nothing but assumptions and talk behind it. These animals might always have been two separate, distinct animals. We don't have DNA record of their change. We don't have it for any creature at all.
Where is the proof for ETE. There isn't any. All there is, is talk about ETE.
ETE might not be a hoax at all if nobody said that it were fact. But since many people say that it is fact, and it is written in many books as fact, and many websites express it as fact, ETE is a hoax because there is no proof that it is fact.
We have no proof of one animal or plant changing into another through what is called ETE. Or do you have one?
Evolution is a hoax.