''simple example'' First of all the big bang theory does have a few competing theories, unlike evolution theory which really doesn't. Second of all the big bang is not just a bunch of accurate math, it's far more than that-
''As for the Big Bang, like most theories within cosmology, it is derived from extrapolation, projection and conjecture. It represents the conjecture that if you reverse the expanding universe, then you get a shrinking universe and that if you extrapolate that shrinking universe long enough, you get a recombination of everything into one small entity - called a singularity.''
''Once we made that assumption, we looked for evidence or confirmation that it did or could have happened…and we found it, we think. If it happened the way we think it did, then it would have produced something like the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)…and we found it. There are other math and empirical indicators also.''
But all of this has nothing to do with the fact that you were wrong, you were wrong about the definition of a scientific theory and also the difference between a scientific theory and a law, you were also wrong about entropy thinking that it disproves evolution. As you can see, you are wrong about a lot of things, factually, of course
Are we not all mistaken in many things? That someone would use extrapolation to think that evolution is real,
when there is no example of evolution having ever been found, shows how deep mistakes run.
I am not mistaken about scientific theory. Simply the fact that scientific theory includes the idea of constant changeability of scientific theories shows that scientific theories are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, simply theories... if even that much.
What would be a ''real'' example of evolution exactly?
http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-evolution.htmlhttps://www.wired.com/2008/12/evolutionexampl/You can find thousands.
I'm sure you believe in gravity because I have seen you defend it, isn't gravity just a theory? What you seem to not understand is that a scientific theory, although it can be changed, it's the best explanation we have at the time of a certain phenomena, in this case evolution.
Those examples of evolution are adaptation according to evolution as simple change, not evolution that fits evolution theory.
I don't believe in gravity. Rather, I know that it exists because I use it all the time, have always used it, have never seen an example of it not working, have never heard of an example of it not working, etc.
Why gravity works is explained by theory in its lesser form, called scientific theory. You are an example of why scientific theory is weaker than theory. Simple theory is known to be theoretical. Scientific theory is suggested to be truth at times simply because a bunch of people
feel like it is truth.
This means that theory express honesty - we don't know for sure - while you never know if scientific theory is being honest or not, especially if it expresses that the thing that it says is the truth.
Wouldn't you rather have honesty than delusion?