The Model T Ford was first produced in 1908. Nowadays Ford makes all kinds of other cars, as well. Is this evolution?
The point in this topic has been evolution theory evolution. Evolution theory evolution does not include every type of change. And the so-called evolution theory evolutionary changes fit plain old adaptation better than they fit evolution theory.
I think we have quite a different view of what evolution is. I get the feeling you think, you take one part chicken and another part chicken, put it in a pot and out comes a horse. Some kind of terraforming that should happened at one point or another. A magical change.
Evolution never worked this way and never will work this way.
I think that you don't understand me. I am one of those who would highly agree that evolution doesn't work this way. Another way evolution doesn't work is according to evolution theory.
I’m taller than my father, and his father and his father. I know this, because I knew them all. It’s the result of ever taller parents producing offspring’s. Apparently taller people in the last 100-500-1000? years have had a better chance of reproduction. I don’t know, just guessing.
This has to do with your eating of more meat, particularly beef, than your father and grandfather. But if it doesn't, it has to do with the genetics of your ancestors, including your mother and grandmother, but possibly a nutrient defect within yourself that caused you to have abnormally high HGH in your body.
Either way, I’m better than my father at grabbing apples of a tree, because I’m taller. I can get some he can’t. It is not something I adopted to, I’m by nature better at it. I was born more suited for it. Is it a skill I can use in our time, probably not. But at one point in time it maybe could have been. Is it programming, sure is, a specified mix of DNA gave this result. Any other mix would maybe have given me something similar, but not quite the same. I have evolved.
Your evolution is genetic programming, environmentally directed, or simple adaptation.
So to answer if a Ford T from 1908 has evolved to what Ford sells now – absolutely! This is evolution. You take what you have, mix it, improve on it, and you get something new, possible better – but it is society that judges if a given change is better for society as a whole, not the changes themselves. The only difference between cars and humans is that cars needs help to reproduce, humans does not. Might change in the future, but either way, its still evolution.
I use "evolution" in the Model T way on occasion. We are similar in this. Where we differ is evolution theory evolution (ETE), which is different than Model T evolution, and other forms of change listed above.
We have no proven example of evolution theory evolution... not even one. We have a lot of people who suggest or believe in ETE. Essentially all of the ETE evidence can be shown to be adaptation or something other than ETE, better and easier than it can be shown to be ETE.
Evolution theory evolution is a hoax, even if you want to use the word "evolution" for simple changes in things other than ETE... including adaptation and simple change.