Considering there is 0 evidence of creationism, no hypothesis, no theory, no scientific evidence compared to the overwhelming evidence that supports evolution, that even if you think all the evidence for evolution is wrong, you still shouldn't believe in creationism considering there is 0 evidence for it.
Cognitive dissonance.
Okay, let's get to the point. Where did everything including life come from?
1. Creation = proof not generally accepted;
2. Big Bang = Takes into account only a tiny fraction of what exists;
3. Evolution (evolution theory evolution: ETE) = proven to not be possible in any way we can theorize;
4. Something else = not defined;
5. Something else = not defined;
6. Something else = not defined;
This thread is about evolution - ETE - being a hoax, not about where life or other things came from.
Oh, that's right. Evolution is a impossible. Evolution is a hoax.
''proven to not be possible in any way we can theorize;'' This guy :^) who proved that exactly, did I mention that virtually all scientists from all fields already accepted and proved evolution? Never mind badecker always knows more than all of them combined, he must be a savant, 300 IQ.