Well it is a paradox. One can never prove Darwins theory but one can never dismiss it entirely. We have no proof of evolution as it takes place over thousands of years and will have to stick with the theory until we come across a better theory which explains our existence in this world.
Nothing that happened in the past and is not happen currently can be proved to an 100% degree. That being said, we can calculate fossils age, with that we can see for example, the human skull, has been evolving over time, changing, unless you concluded that somehow different humans popped into existence randomly throughout time the best explanation is that we evolved and our skulls evolved too.
But evolution can't be proven at all. Why? Because everything that is suggested to be evolution fits something else better, like adaptation.
What can be readily shown about evolution is, there is a bunch of talk about the fiction we know as evolution... loads of talk and writing.
In the field of evolution, it looks like scientists are rushing to delude themselves in a really firm way.
Evolution is a hoax.
Yeah ok badecker, can you see that you sound just like notbatman? Yeah, scientists are deluding themselves. They are fabricating this hoax for some odd reason, aren't they? Belief in god among scientists exist, numbers vary 30 to even 40%. However when it comes to evolution, virtually everyone accepts it. Even your friend Coincube.
Well, it is you who are sounding more like
notbatman. Consider. Are scientists people or not? If they are people, they are going to have hopes and dreams and failures and incorrectness just like people who are not scientists.
Religious people believe their religion based on things they believe. But there are some things in every religion that are truth. For example, the location of a city listed in a religious book. All religious books list something that is real and factual. The religions are the same.
Science has things that are factual, just like religion. But science has believers in things that are not known to be factual, and those believers often even know that the things that they believe in might not be factual. Sounds like religion to me.
So, when you have so-called evidence for evolution that can be better understood as adaptation, along with no proof for evolution, you have a religion called evolution... at least in the minds of those who believe in evolution.
In addition, evolution belief fits what the detailed definition of religion states. Check the whole definition at
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/search?s=t and see if part of it doesn't match evolution... since there isn't any absolute fact for evolution at all.
Continue with your evolution religion if you want. It doesn't bother me at all, since it is your choice. But have a chance to wake up through the things that I am saying here.
Evolution is a hoax.